Kisses and chocolates

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A small box fell to ground from jungkook hand when he witnessed his wife kissed on the other male cheeks.

The male also kissed taehyung cheeks with a smile

They got in taehyung's car and left from there.

Jungkook gulped and took the small box from the ground and caressed it softly

He smiled sadly and looked at taehyung car back which was going out of the university gate

"I deserve this"Jungkook mumbled and left from there in his car.

Jungkook walked inside the house in a little drunk state

Taehyung placed the plates on the table and looked at jungkook

Who is trying to remove his shoe with a pout on his lips

"Ughh why this not going?!,hey shoe go away"Jungkook shouted at his shoes

Taehyung sighed and walked towards jungkook

"Huh when I got 4 legs?"Jungkook mumbled

Jungkook lifted his two legs and counted

"Oh this is not mine then who's?"Jungkook said and slowly looked up with a pout, taehyung was standing infront of him with crossed arms

"Oh my babyyyy"Jungkook stood up and run towards taehyung but stopped suddenly

"Shh shut up jungkook don't be brat"Jungkook pressed his finger on his lips

"What are you doing Jeon?"Taehyung asked coldly

"Huhh? What baby?"Jungkook asked with his bambi eyes

Taehyung blushed at the nickname

"Why did you drink?"Taehyung asked

Jungkook looked down with a sad pout

"Cause my tae baby kissed someone else infront of me"Jungkook pout got bigger when he say this

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"Cause my tae baby kissed someone else infront of me"Jungkook pout got bigger when he say this

Taehyung looked at jungkook with wide eyes


"Yes"Jungkook looked at taehyung with a glossy eyes

Is that why you drink?"Taehyung asked

"I got sad"Jungkook pouted

Taehyung bitted his lips and looked at jungkook with a done face

"It was my friend"Taehyung said

"But you kissed him infront of me"Jungkook said with a pout

"You fucked your girlfriend infront of me"Taehyung said coldly

Jungkook pout vanished and looked at taehyung

"Didn't you?, I will kiss whoever i want, you're the one who said, we are not a couples or anyone, then why should I worry about you?"Taehyung asked

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