chapter 4

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You froze in your tracks, sweating profusely.

W-what the hell?! What do they want from me!! You panicked, still in your shocked state not moving an inch.

"M/n-chan! Come here." Luckily your brother come over just in time to drag you away, he grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you over to his table with his group of friends.

Thank goodness! My saviour! How can I ever repay you B/n!! You cried crocodile tears, clinging onto B/ns side whilst he sweatdropped at your antics.

"He sure is odd.." One of B/ns friend muttered in disbelief, the others aggreeing.

You were still too in a state of mind to even bother listening to their petty insults.

"Its a-alright M/n..." B/n muttered, sweatdropping and patting your head awkwardly.


Whilst a certain group of footballers weren't tok pleased about how you were dragged away.

"Who was that? You think that was his boyfriend?.." Bachira questioned outloud.

"I dont think so. Do you see the resemblance? The white hair." Chigiri stated boredly, looking at Bachira like he was stupid. Earning him a small 'ohh'in response.

"Man I was kinda hoping he would sit with us.." Isagi muttered disappointedly. Kunigami pat his back for mild comfort.

"Shut up idiots." Rin sneered and sent death glares to the group.

"Rin-chan so mean!" Bachira exclaimed, fake pouting, with food stuffed in his mouth.

"Clean your mouth brat." Rin hissed and yanked a napkin at Bachiras face.

"Oh? Hahaha! Rin-chan!~" Shidou cackled which earned him a harsh smack to the head by the culprit.

"..weirdos" Niko muttered in disbelief, Zantetsu nodding in agreement.


"M/n you need to go out there and make new friends. I cant be a holding hand for you all the time you know!" B/n exclaimed, poking your cheek.

"Ehhhh people are annoying.. and loud..." You trailed off, continuing to make your way home on the path with your brother now trailing far behind.

"Hey wait up!-" He wheezed out.

You stopped and looked back at him waiting for him to catch up.

"Okay! Okay! Whatever, come with me to soccer practice, you shouldn't stay home by yourself." B/n smiled softly and pat your head. You huffed in annoyance.

"..kay" You let him lead the way to the open soccer field, hiding behind him as he smiled and greeted his coach.



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