chapter 22

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Why am I updating so much

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Why am I updating so much.

Why is this crappy fanfic getting views 😭😭


"M/n-chan! I missed you!" Yuki beamed as she crashed into you, hugging you whilst the two of you laid on the floor.

The males who were previously in a conversation with you, their breaths hitched at the sight of a unfamiliar girl hugging you in an intimate way.

You squirmed and complained for her to get off to which she did with a smile on her face, standing up a quick second before pulling you up like a child, putting you back on your feet.

"Who the fuck are you?" Rin glared at Yuki before darting his eyes back to your nervous figure.

"Eh? Oh it's you.. Emo kid." Yuki stated with a blank look on her face as Shidou started cackling.

A vein popped out of Rins forehead and your eyes were blown wide whilst nervously glancing between the two figures. One was glaring at the other ready to kill, whilst the other was twirling their hair looking unbothered as ever.

"Are you M/ns girlfriend?" Hiori asked, scaring some because he popped out of nowhere.

"B-B-B-boyfriend?!" Yukis face exploded in various shades of red before turning around to look at you stiffly.

You were blushing at Hioris question but instead stayed staring at the ground shaking like a leaf.

"Hell no! He's mine!" Bachira butted in shoving Yuki put the way and pulling you into a tight hug.

"Y-you damn brat!" Yuki hissed with a vein on her forehead as she tried to yank the boy off you.

"M/n.. Sorry I couldn't text you lastnight, I got caught up in something." Isagi muttered embarrassed and in shame, though you saw no reason to be.

Truth is you forgot about him.

You blinked dumbfounded abd with dotted eyes a silly smile on your face.

By now Yuki has successfully gotten Bachira off and they were now in a cat fight on the floor.

Isagis heart shattered like broken glass as he crouched down in a random corner with a gloomy aura surrounding him.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now