chapter 20

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"Say M/n could I have your number?" Isagi questioned as he shoved more bread in his mouth.

Currently the two of you fled from the scene and are now snacking on melon bread in a random park.

How you guys managed to run that far? You weren't so sure yourself.

You smiled at Isagi and reached into your bag to get your phone out, his expression lit up at that as sparkles surrounded him.

"Sure, here." You practically shoved your phone in his face, catching Isahi off guard as he choked on his food.

"Ack!- T-thanks!" Isagi coughed slightly but regained composure as he grabbed your phone and smacked the keyboard, typing his number in.

You weren't so shy around Isagi as much as you were at the start. Probably because of his welcoming and kind nature that you couldn't help but feel calm and safe around him.

Obviously you haven't heard him during his soccer matches.

"Here, thanks!" Isagi beamed as he went back to chewing on melon bread.

You glanced down at your phone to see
'Isagi(*゜▽゜)_□' in your contacts.

You laughed softly, and put your phone away shyly glancing up at a happy Isagi chewing on bread.

He must've notice your staring as he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you.

He outstretched his hand with some bread in it, offering you some.

"Eh? No thanks.." You sweatdropped as he shrugged and was about to retreat his hand back until a paw quickly snatched his food.

"Ah! Ah?.." Isagi muttered in confusion, looking at his now empty hand.

"Taco!" He beamed, a light bulb appearing above his head as he reached his hand out to pat the cat ontop your head.

You sweatdropped. You honestly forgot about the cat being there.

A comfortable silence emitted between the two of you, only the soft sounds of Isagis chewing and the slight whistle of the wind.

Isagi arubtly stood up, bowing to you slightly.

"I have to go now, M/n! I'll walk you back first though!" He blushed, bowing to you slightly as you slowly stood up, dusting your clothes.

"Yep!.. Let's go" You smiled shyly as you took his outstretched hand into your own, Isagi blushing with a content smile on his face at the fact you accepted his offer to hold his hand.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now