chapter 14

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I dont know what to fucking write about i kinda wish i just stayed to the mangas plot 😭😭😭

I might make an ACTUAL fanfiction following the real plot, preferably the manga since its better 😜

!grammar errors 😔


"You guys really are weird barging into my house like this you know." You glared at a very happy Shidou in particular.

"Well your death brother was fine with it~" Shidou remarked back, smirking at you in a flirting manner. You deadpanned and looked over to Rin who was on his way out.

"..Bye...?" You muttered as Rin roamed out the house not sparing a glance back.

"He's so mean!" Bachira laughed and latched himself onto your arm you yelped at the sudden contact.

"W-what!-" You flushed red as he continued to giggle, smushing his face in your left arm.

"Bachira!" Isagi scolded as he yanked the said boy off of you. You smiled nervously quietly mumbling a small 'thank you' before roaming to your room to get away from the rowdy group.

You plopped down onto your bed face first and huffed.

Such weirdos.. why is my brother even friends with them.. You thought, starting to struggle to breath since your face is shoved in a pillow.


"M/n you can come out now they're all gone." Your brother sighed tiredly as he trailed over to your bedroom, slightly dragging his feet.

"M/n..?" He mumbled, concern lacing in his voice.

"Eh I'm here.." You sounded out, quite muffled as you were still in your previous position. Your brother sweatdropped and leaned against the door frame.

"Ya hungry or what scrub." He teased you playfully and smiled.

"I guess I could go for some yakitori..." You grumbled, now sitting up from your laid position pouting slightly whilst staring at your brother.

"Okay come on then you lil brat" He laughed and walked out your room.

I'm hungry..... You pouted even more as your tummy grumbled causing you to poke it in protest.

 You pouted even more as your tummy grumbled causing you to poke it in protest

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Yummy yummm

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now