chapter 18

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Guess what

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Guess what


Lots of grammar errors whoops


ou mindlessly wandered through the busy streets, it was the weekend and you wanted to buy groceries and some room decor.

Surprisingly the three of you didn't interact with eachother at all, seemingly minding your own businesses.

But not Kira nor Kaiser decided on being responsible of buying groceries. They instead settled on eating cheap junk food.

So here you are now in the light of day eith a handful of bags filled with many vegetables and ingredients for simple meals.

Alongside some other small things that are a necessity.

You muttered small apologies and 'excuse me' as you tried to squeeze through the crowd.

Once again your walking on a familiar pathway to your school dorms.

Taking the train would be too much of a hassle considering all your bags would be difficult to handle.

You continued to walk instead you arubtly stopped due to a small noise.

You trailed off the path into a more secluded grassy area where you spotted a small black cat.

You blinked at the sight of it.

You've never really had any interactions with cats or animals in general so seeing one in person confused you a bit on what to do.

So you settled on doing what the most sane thing to do was.

You struggled on putting the bags onto one arm and gently picked up the unbothered cat with your free hand and plopped it onto your locks of hair.

The fact the cat didn't even mind at all and made itself comfortable ontop of your head.

You blinked cluelessly and made your way back to school with a full arm of groceries and a cat on your head.


You didn't bother to acknowledge your dormates existences and headed straight to the kitchen ignoring Kaiser's curious stare.

His eyes widened slightly at the sight of a small cat on your head and he blinked in disbelief.

You started organising the items in the fridge and cupboard, not noticing Kaiser approaching you.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now