chapter 12

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Lmao I can't believe this story has 2k views wtaf😭 I'll do my best to keep updating and try make longer chapters I guess

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Lmao I can't believe this story has 2k views wtaf😭 I'll do my best to keep updating and try make longer chapters I guess. This is the only fanfiction I'm continuing because my other ones get like no reads 🧍‍♀️

Go check out my other shitty fanfictions i guess 😛😛🔥

(Lmao u guessed it grammar mistakes!! Whoops!)


An extremely short boy was seen bolting down the pathway with his bag hanging loosely on his shoulders.

He was finally freed from the bullies grasp thanks to his saviours and was free to go home and read his favourite manga.

But there was always a down side to it, he ended up having a busted lip and a bruised cheek that was swollen.

How am I going to explain this to brother..! You cried on the inside, sweat running down your face from the intense running you were doing.

Suddenly you stopped in your tracks as you've come to realisation that your brother won't even be home!

"Im s-saved..!" You huffed out, beaming brighter then the sun.


"Ouch.." You mumbled painfully, wincing when you touched your lip again.

Those guys really ended up doing an amount on you, your brother will probably end up having a 'word' with them once he finds out.

Bachira will probably snitch.. You thought whilst placing an icepack on your swollen cheek.

You strolled through the kitchen to your bedroom, digging through the closet with your free hand whilst the other was tending your cheek.

You settled on wearing a loose t shirt and some baggy shorts, along with a beanie since the weather was slightly chilly.

You really wanted to spend time to relax and re watch animes but you also promised your brother to watch him practice soccer with his friends.

Which was quite unfortunate giving the situation.

I'll just say I fell in a trash can. Seems believable enough. You snickered and walked back into the kitchen to put the icepack away and grab your phone.

You hurridly shoved your shoes on, not without stumbling of course and made your way outside again locking the door on the way out.

In your mind it seems that you've been getting out the house more often to visit your brother. But not only your brother but also his soccer buddies which they have taken an interest on you.


"M/n! I missed you bunny~!" Shidou smirked and looked over the moon when he saw your small figure approach the familiar soccer field.

B/n made a disgusted face and shoved Shidou into Karasu, to his displeasure and they started bickering.

You smiled nervously and waved your shaky hand to the group which had all eyes on you.

You stumbled slightly in your step and cautiously approached your brother.

Because be wad the only one you deemed 'safe' enough to be around. You didn't mind Hiori though since he wasn't as talkative and annoying.

"..hi" You squeaked out, nervous from their intense gazes.

Soon chaos erupted.


"Dumbass! You said that already!"

"Ack-! Owie that hurt Karasu~"

"Shut up filthy peasants... M/n."

"Oh? M/ns here! Hi!"

"Still lukewarm as ever.."

"Oh my! That bruise is so un stylish!~"

Your brother snapped his head in your direction once more and stomped his way over to you, causing the chatter to fade out and a tense atmosphere to be created.

You gulped nervously, shifting in your feet and glancing in any other direction. Suddenly that random bush was interesting.

B/n yanked your chin towards him and inspected it, the others grew curious and walked over too trying to see the commotion, aside from the three that already knew.

"Who did this?" Your brother asked concerned and dropped your cheek. His frown very visible.

"Tch, they hurt you? Give me names you brat." Barou glowered and gripped your cheeks with his hand and inspected it as well.

Barou looked extremely unhappy and glared at you, his face didn't really match what he was doing since he was gently caressing the bruised cheek like you were a wounded puppy.

Bachira snickered in the back causing Rin to smack him on the back of the head.

"Ah. Damn that looks painful, who did it?" Otoya chimed in, coming quite close for your liking and looking at your busted lip.

"E-eh? Oh just some random 3rd year's..?" You mumbled nervously and chuckled slightly.

?" You mumbled nervously and chuckled slightly

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Idk what to write HELP 😭😭😓😓

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now