chapter 16

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Lmao realising we got beef with kira 😱😱

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Lmao realising we got beef with kira 😱😱

Unedited lmao I'm lazy

You woke up with a jolt, someone was shoving you awake.

"M/n! Wake up~" Your brother laughed and continued to poke your half asleep figure.

"..Huh? B/n?.." You mumbled sitting up, now starting to slightly wake up as you rubbed your eyes.

"In the flesh! Sorry I didn't reply to your messages..hehe" He bashfully rubbed his neck and laughed nervously.

You stretched your arms and got out of bed dragging your feet, whilst making tour way to the kitchen and eager B/n following behind.

As you munched on some toast, eyes lidded and sleepy listening to your brother ramble on, one sentence managed to make your perk up in interest.

"Did you know we're getting dorms now? Isn't that super cool they finally finished building them!" B/n exclaimed, although quite muffled because of the toast in his mouth.

"Ah? Really? Do we get to choose our dormate?.." You blinked and swallowed your food, looking at him with curious eyes.

"Nah I don't think so sadly.. well sad for you im friends with everyone." He teased as he finished his food and put the plates in the sink, you frowned at his words knowing it was true.

"I really don't want that then.. Can you ask them to put us in a dorm together?" You said loudly in realisation and followed along with your brother in putting the plates away.

"No. You need to make friends anyways." He replied sternly in a mother scolding tone.

You pouted slightly and glared at him, before walking to your room to get ready for the day.

Sadly the week hasn't ended yet, school feels like it's been going on forever in your mind.

As you finished adjusting your tie and ruffling your hair you walked out to the living room to see your brother waiting for you with his bag and belongings.

"Do you think I should tie my hair up? It's really long.." You mumbled, putting your shoes on.

He glanced at you and laughed poking your head.

"Yeah here I'll tie it for you." He chuckled and grabbed a hair tie, pulling your hair together forming it into a loose ponytail.

"Thanks." You smiled and followed his figure outside.


"L/n M/n, your room number." The school staff handed you a piece of paper with a bored face.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now