chapter 8

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A drastic height difference was very noticeable between you and your brother. Your clueless owlish eyes blinked in confusion when your brother suddenly ruffled your hair out of nowhere during your stroll to the store.

Suddenly he stopped, you looked at him in confusion, also stopping along with him, furrowing your eyebrows in slight distaste and concern.

B/n frowned slightly and you panicked, eyes darting to different places but it was hard to see since it was night, the only light being the streetlamps.

"..What's wrong?.." You muttered shyly and tugged on his sleeve. He ignored you though and strided over to an area where loud chatter was heard. You panicked again.

Huh?! What's this guys problem! Where's he going now?!

You were worried he was going to start trouble and you were tugging on his sleeve quite harshly whilst he waltzed over to the group of now clear men.

You were sweatdropped and on the verge of tears! Like what was he doing you didn't want him to cause any trouble let alone get himself get hurt.

"S-stop it idiot! Let's just go b-back?..." You trailed off now seeing the very familiar figures now staring at the two of you. You blinked your brother smiled warmly and left your side to go over closer to them.

"B/n! How's it going man? Didn't notice it was you hah!" Shidou smirked and playfully bonked your brother on the head he laughed and shoved him back in a playful manner.

"Oh? M/n too? Why hello there little one." Shidou grinned and you stepped back our of pure instinct and his grin seemed to widen even more.

What the hell.. little one?! Was he referring to me? So mean... you pouted and his behind your brother again he sighed and laughed whilst bashfully rubbing the back of his neck.

"Stop being shy M/n~ It's fine!" B/n smiled and forcefully shoved you back I front of him.

You were as stiff as a rock, Shidou cackled and it caught you so off guard you flinched at the hyena sound.

"Oi! Shut up you bug you're scaring the poor thing! Just look at him!" Karasu pouted and grabbed both your cheeks squishing and pinching them.

"You're annoying Karasu stop that!" Otoya whacked the back of Karasus head which earned a displeased groan and then the bickering started.

Shidou being amused even more by this situation starting laughing even harder. The nerve of this guy!

Your brother was the only normal one in the said situation, trying to calm everyone down, you took this chance to sneakily walk away and bolt to the store.

Icecream here I come!! You grinned happily and ran into the store like some sort of grand entrance with a shining aura around you.

The workers and customers deadpanned at you.


Whilst you were browsing the chocolate milk section completely oblivious to the other group screaming and crying for you because of your sudden disappearance. You deadpanned at the thought of a chibi version of Shidou and your brother crying, with a crow and ninja on the side also crying...

What the hell am I thinking...

Snapped back to reality you continued to stroll through the store with a handful of snacks and drinks and your brothers wallet stuff in your pocket. Making your way to the counter you nervously and shyly paid for the things.

"Have a nice night!" The employee smiled brightly at you and that seemed to trigger your anxiety even more and you bolted out.

The employee sweatdropped at your retreating figure.

The employee sweatdropped at your retreating figure

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soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now