chapter 6

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"Hey so whats your name again?" A voiced chirped in from beside you, shocking you but quickly composing yourself to your usual self.

"..Ah, its M/n." You spoke softly, not looking up.

"Cool. Im Kunigami, nice to meet you. Your brother sure is cool huh?" Kunigami smiled warmly and you looked up at him with a shining light in your eyes at the mention of your older brother.

"Yeah! He's cool.." You voiced out a bit too happily for your liking but quickly trailed off getting quieter, Kunigami chuckled at your shy state and pat your shoulder.

"Well I gotta get back in game, I'll see you around M/n." Kunigami ruffled your hair as he stood up from his seated position on the bench beside you and walk back onto the field.


"B/n your younger brother sure is cute." Otoya smirked and shoulder bumped B/n in a joking manner earning him a scoff. Karasu chuckled and came in between the two males.

"He's quite eh.. feminine for a guy dontcha think?" Karasu chimed in, his usual lazy smirk gracing his handsome features. B/n rolled his eyes but chuckled slightly, earning slightly wide eyed looks from the other two males standing beside him.

"Yeah hes a big crybaby too, being honest. But hes still my brother and i wont tolerate rude comments about his girly appearance." Your brother smiled and whacked both Otoya and Karasu on the heads before walking over to Isagi and Bachira.

"Do you think M/n will give me his number?"

"Shut up ya damn ninja!"

"Hey! Ack- That hurt dammit!"

"Oi you fools cut it out."


"Barou so cold as always!~"

"Wanna fight me you damn brat!"

"Hahhahaha! Try and catch me maid Barou!"


M/n sweatdropped slightly, looking a bit shaken from the scene of wrestling and giggling infront of him whilst Rin muttered lukewarm under his breath and glared daggers at Isagi who chuckled whilst deadpanning at his team.

What the hell... You sweatdropped, syncing with Isagi as you two had the same deadpanned expression.

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soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now