chapter 17

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○This is so unexpected

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This is so unexpected. 🤐

Unedited !!

Grammar errors

"You're my roomate?" A deep voice resonated through the room.

You flinched and snapped your head to the source of noise only to be met with a boy euth strange hair.

"Wheres the other one?" He narrowed his eyes at your small figure, seemingly looking down at you.

"..Im not sure?" You spoke up even if it only came out as a hushed whisper.

You couldn't bring yourself to talk any louder in the presence of this intimating male that wad glaring at you like you were dirt.

"Tch. Whatever, don't bother me." He said boredly and walked over to the bed whipping his phone out only to aggressively type on it.

You took this as a chance to observe your surroundings.

The dorm was quite basic and empty aside from the few desks and beds, along with a small kitchen and living area.

There was a bunkbed on the right side of the room and a single bed on the opposite side.

In a much farther area was a small kitchen with a counter, sink, fridge the basics and nearby a 3 seater couch with a TV infront.

You wandered your eyes over to the blonde and blue haired male sitting on the single bed on his phone and blinked curiously.

You settled to leave him alone like he asked and made your way over to the bunk bed, placing your belongings down onto the bottom bunk.

You didn't plan on making conversation or interacting with him at all, considering you had issues with talking to new people.

After you finished putting your bag down you walked over to a different door which was a bathroom.

Not surprisingly it was basic too, a simple shower and sink, alongside a toilet.

You made your way out and settled on getting some rest since there was nothing else to do and your dormate decided on ignoring you.

You closed your eyes, dozing off.


soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now