chapter 26

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"What's going on here?" A voice chimed in from behind you causing you to snap your head back to see the culprit.

"Sae!" You stuttered in disbelief, flushing red as you remembered how you felt his sturdy chest hit your back.

"Hm." He blinked, glancing at you with a blank look then shifting his gaze to the three so called delinquents who were harassing you.

"Are these low life's bothering you?" He scoffed and gripped his hands onto your shoulders, making you turn to look at them.

They looked like they were on the verge of peeing themselves at Saes cold glare.

"U-Uh-" You stuttered nervously glancing in different directions, trying not to focus on his chest flush against your back.

"Use your words." He narrowed his eyes down at you, tightening his grip causing you to wince slightly making him loosen it instantly.

"Nah man! Everything's all good here. Right M/n?" One of the ugly thugs gritted out as he glared at you with a strained smile, which Sae took notice of.

"Y-Yes?" You squeaked out, unconsciously taking a step back, sinking more into Saes embrace, he didn't mind though he just raised a brow and smirked.

"You three.. I don't want to see your ugly faces again." Sae stated blankly as he removed his grip on your shoulders to place his hands on your waist. Making you blush.

"Y-Yes!" They said in sync and ran off in a hurry not sparing a single glance back.

Sae sighed before deadpanning looking down at your stuff figure who was more red then the colour.

He let out a quiet 'tch' and let go of you, making you stumble slightly but quickly saved yourself to stand infront of him.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he waited for you to speak.

You averted your gaze sheepishly and seemed to be intimated by his stoic face.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now