chapter 24

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Now that I'm thinking about it.. I wonder what Nii-chan has been up too. You frowned at the thought of not seeing your brother.

"You think you lukewarm shits are better then me?"

You snapped out your daze as you slowly walked over to the new commotion.

We had a big deal just yesterday with those soccer prodigys. What's going on now..? You huffed in slight amusement as you approached what the figures seemed to be the talk of the day and Rin? Along with Shidou by his side. Surprisingly.

"Sae-chan!~ How cruel!" Shidou cackled and faked a pout, Sae only scoffed in reply.

"Rin? Shidou?.." You barely whispered out, but they seemed to heard it, snapping their heads towards your figure along with Sae and his dogs.

"Ah! M/n-chan I missed you!" Shidou ran at you at an alarming speed, but luckily Rin yanked him back by his collar.

"Ack!- Fuck you Rin Rin~" Shidou grinned with a visible irk.

"Who's this lovely lady? Hm?" Aiku smirked and approached you.

A dark aura surrounded Rin and Shidou who looked almost demonic at the sight of Aiku carelessly flirting with you.

Also referring to you as a female.

"Eh? F-Female?.. Where?- Ah!" You looked around cluelessly but shrieked when Aiku was face to face with you.

"Huh? Female? My bad bro! Haha!" Aiku sheepishly laughed and backed away with a small blush, Sae sighed in embarrassment as Sendo deadpanned.

Shidou yanked you into his arms, forming a protective grip around your waist as you blushed and froze on the spot.

"He's mine! Tell em Rin Rin! Go!" Shidou stuck his tongue out at the other three as Rin glared at him.

"You mean mine." Rin gritted out as he grabbed you from Shidou deathly grip and instead held your small figure infront of him and held a tight grip on your waist.

Shit I'm boutta bust-

"What's this? You've actually taken a liking to someone other then me?" Sae scoffed and let out a dry laugh as he looked at you up and down.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now