chapter 28

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unedited !

"M/n-chan!" A cheery voice exclaimed from behind you, the figure engulfing you into a tight hug completing overpowering you.

"Eek!- B-Bachira!" Your eyes widened as you stuttered in realisation, letting the boy continue to hug you from behind.

Bachira hummed happily in response and nuzzled into your shoulder more, smelling you? You blushed at the thought.

Do I smell bad or something? I hope not.. You pouted and got a bit nervous and gently tried to shrug him off.

To no avail Bachira did not come off, that was until he was yanked off of you followed by a shocked noise but then a laugh.

"Rin dont ruin my fun!" Bachira laughed and tried to punch Rin playfully, the male dodging with ease and had his usual glare.

He narrowed his eyes down at you and you gulped nervously, sweatdropping and breaking the eye contact as quick as it came. "We didnt have a chance to notify you of our arrival since someone here wanted to surprise you. Lukewarm idea." Rin scoffed as he side eyed the bobcut male who was grinning with his tongue poking out.

"I- I see. Its fine.." You muttered bashfully with a blush, who wouldve thought they wanted to surprise you. It had been a while since they were away at their soccer match.

A childish whine cut off your thoughts and you looked at Bachira who was pouting whilst Rin was scolding him and throwing insults.

"Eh? Wheres Isagi?.." You mumbled in confusion as a chibi version of the sprout haired male popped up.

"What about me? So cruel you forgot about your boyfriend?" A deep husky voice whispered right beside your ear, the culprit seemed to be bent down quite a bit to reach your height level.

You yelped in surprise and jumped back falling right into his arms. Looking up with wide eyes your big doe eyes met sly pink ones. Shidou had his usual smirk as he encased you with his broad arms.

"Ahh~ How I missed you so much sugar!" Shidou sighed as he had a blissed out expression, Rin now popping into the frame and giving him a disgusted look. 

"Shidou?.." You blushed at the close contact and attempted to squirm out of his arms, him noticing and getting annoyed at the movement his tightened his hold on you making you halt your movements and give up escaping.

"Let him go you horny freak. Keep your gross hands to yourself you're spreading your virus to M/n." Rin glared daggers at Shidou who only smirked back before letting you go with a drawled out sigh and slouching.

Staggering in your step slightly you muttered a small 'thank you' before rushing out of the scene. The three males all staring at you with curious eyes before two of the three grinning at your blush they witnessed before.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now