chapter 11

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Grammar mistakes wgoopsies 😘😝


You were slightly nervous and felt like you were put under pressure by their intense gazes.

You gulped nervously, the silence was really loud, you deadpanned but kept composure.

"M/n..?" Isagi erged on again, it was starting to get on your nerves. You pouted childishly trying to express your anger but it just looked cute in their eyes.

Rins gaze softened slightly at your cute face and a slight blush adorned his cheeks.

"I dont even know.." You eventually muttered out, ruining the silence, Bachiras mouth shaped into an 'oh' then started giggling uncontrollably.

W-what the.. This guy is weird. You blinked with dotted eyes glancing between the three boys currently holding you hostage.

Godamm! J-just let me go already weirdos!?? You internally screamed but kept a stoic expression on, completely different to your usual nervous posture.

"Tch, if they bother you more just let me know." Rin grumbled and rolled his eyes.

You looked up at him and he couldn't control the strong blush, he let out another 'tch' and ruffled your hair which you mumbled profanities and insults at him which amused Rin even more.

"Bye bye M/n-chan~ I'll beat them up if I see them again 'kay?" Bachira exclaimed cheerfully whilst tightly hugging your small figure.

"O-okay..?" You huffed out trying to escape his death grip, Rin was glaring at the poor boy hugging you.

Once you managed to escape Bachiras grasp you looked up at Isagi expectantly, he blushed and started to mumbled incoherent words.

"U-uhm- I- See you later? Erm can you ask your brother to meet up with us for soccer practice later too?" Isagu stuttered the first part out but quickly gained his composure back whilst having a fond smile on his face, patting your shoulder gently. Rin huffed.

"Ah! Of c-course.." You exclaimed a but too loud for your liking and lowered your voice in shame which caused Bachira to start giggling again and Rin to glare at the boy.

"Well bye~" Bachira waved at you one last time before catching up with Rin who was already walking off.

Isagi pat your hair and followed along with his other friends.



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I never edit the chapters sorry for grammar mistakes lool 😞😓

- chapters r so fucking short because I'm lazy as hell LMAO sorry😛

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now