chapter 21

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Unedited and tons of grammar errors don't even comment sbt my typos plsslsl 😒😒🙏🙏😵😵🤐

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Unedited and tons of grammar errors don't even comment sbt my typos plsslsl 😒😒🙏🙏😵😵🤐


..Can you move away just a bit..?" You sweatdropped uncomfortably as Ness continued to get in your personal space to look at your notes.

Somehow you didn't even notice that Ness was in some of your classes!

Does he not know what personal space is?! You internally cried.

Crying in your mind seemed like a daily occurrence for you.

Ness only hummed in response and gave you a closed eye smile as he leaned his head on your shoulder.

Your heart skipped a beat for a second before you continued to scribble down your notes, not wanting to fail again.

"Hmm that's not correct." Ness pointed out with an empty smile as he say up properly to take a better look at your work.

"H-Huh?! How?" You exclaimed with furrowed brows as you squinted your eyes, bring the notes page right to your face.

Ness chuckled and yanked the page out your grasp.

He scanned his eyes over your work before laughing.

"You're stupid!" Ness stated with his usual smile, your heart shattered into millions of broken pieces.

Hes so blunt! You thought whilst a horrified expression crossed your face, watching as Ness continued to make fun out of you.

You were too caught up with Ness to realise the figures watching you from afar.

A gloomy aura surrounding the area they were in, scaring off the students seated nearby as they all sweatdropped and scurried away.

You pouted as Ness smushed your cheeks together.

Why does everyone do that? Is it a fetish?;You deadpanned, glaring at him but it looked funny since your cheeks were being played with.

"So cute! I want to keep you all to myself. Maybe Kaiser top!" Ness spoke with a smile, stopping as he seemed in thought contemplating the idea of just kidnapping you and locking you up for safe keeping.

You shrieked at the idea and slapped his hands away and bolted out your seat, put the classroom.

Leaving a blushing and smiling Ness staring at the door where you exited, completely oblivious to the eyes boring into his skull.


As you ran down the hallway, glancing back nervously to see if Ness followed you, you crashed into someone's chest, falling to the ground.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now