Chapter 30

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Wandering the quiet halls once again you jumped back in surprise when a taller figure stood in feint of you.

"Hiya! I'm Akiyama Kaito, you look lonely right now want me to accompany you?" The male looked down at you with a slight smug expression behind that kind smile.

You blinked in slight confusion before nodding along slowly feeling slightly pressured by the tense atmosphere.

Kaito seemed to brighten up at your answer as he grabbed your hand and dragged you outside. The attention from the students walking pass making you quite flustered.

"So do you have any friends?" Kaito questioned with a smile, still holding your hand as he led you to he bleachers where there was a soccer practice going on.

You glanced around the area warily only seeing a few students watching the soccer team muck around or chatting away with their friends.

Gulping nervously at the straight forward questioned you looked at Kaito with a nervous expression.

"..I think so." You muttered with a sweatdrop making him laugh.

"You think so? Cmon give me a proper answer man!" He laughed again but it seemed like he was mocking you making you feel a bit self conscious.

"Yeah I do." You said a bit more confidently as chibi versions of Ness and Kaiser came into mind. Completely disregarding the fact you didn't think of a certain group of soccer freaks.

Kaito raised a brow but still kept his smirk in place. He sighed before ruffling your hair.

"You can always hangout with me if you're that lonely. I don't know what non existent friends you're speaking of." He grinned teasingly as he leaned back on his seat.

Most people would take it as a joke but you Bri a sensitive person took it to heart and couldn't help but feel even more gloomier at his blunt comments.

"Eh don't be so down~ Want to come meet my friends?" Kaito seemed to notice your mood making his smirk widen but he covered it with a worried tone.

"It's fine." You sighed as you shyly looked away and faced the field.

"Okay." He blinked briefly, noticing you didn't really care for what else he had to say.

"Oh they're heading this way now! Come say hi." Kaito perked up at the sight of Isagi and Bachira who were chatting away whilst walking in our direction.

You jumped with a sweatdrop. "N-No! It's fine I need to head off right now anyway!" You waved your hands around frantically trying to find an excuse to get away.

"Oh I see.. If you say so then I'll see you tomorrow!" He grinned knowingly before putting your head and walking over to the group.

You stared at them for a few seconds before flinching when you made eye contact with Barou who seemed extremely annoyed by Kaito who was trying to get his attention.

Quickly scrambling to get up you bolted away from the scene before you were questioned by any of them.

Not wanting to make anything even more awkward between you and them.

"Eh? Was that M/n-chan?" Bachira chirped as he stared at your figure speed walking away and into the school.

"You probably mistaken him for someone else huh? He doesn't seem like the type to watch these type of sporty games-" Kaito started catching everyone's attention before being cut off by an annoyed male.

"Oi. Watch your mouth." B/n cut in making Kaito sweatdrop nervously before bowing slightly as an apology.

"Don't get so worked up B/n-" Isagi frowned as he put his hand on Kaitos shoulder in concern that your brother hurt his feelings.

"No, M/n is my brother and I have every right to defend him." B/n irked as he glared at the short male who only sweatdropped in return.

"Scary~" Shidou piped in making everyone snap their heads towards him as a silent meaning to shut up.

"My bad." He grinned shrugging before slinging his bag over his shoulder and exiting the scene. Not really wanting to be involved with Kaito.

Shidou had to admit he thought Kaito was sure a beauty considering he was a male but Shidou preferred you more.

Resulting in Shidou not wanting to be in much of a conversation with the blonde boy who always tried too hard.

Run glared daggers at Shidous leaving figure before scoffing and grabbing his own bag. Doing the same act as the antennae male and leaving with no words spoken.

Kaito chuckled nervously cutting through the awkward atmosphere. "Ouch." He sweatdropped with a smile.

"Hehe don't worry they will work up to you in no time!" Bachira grinned before latching himself onto Kaito who only blushed and grinned.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now