chapter 9

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Soccer was an controversial sport in your eyes. You never deemed any interest in it only seeing it as your brothers potential dream sport. He's always tried to get you to play with him but you just shyly muttered a quick 'no' and resumed whatever you were doing at the time.

But now you're sitting here on the same bleachers as before watching with curious eyes a group of sweaty tall highschoolers putting all their efforts into this one sport.

You thought it was interesting that they push themselves to their limits just to beat others in a game of kicking a ball into a net.

A lazy genius has made his way to the bench you seated at and whipped out his phone carelessly booting up a random game whilst huffing in displeasure and obviously laziness.

You looked at him slightly and jumped to see him already staring at you with his dull bored eyes.



H-how awkward!! You internally cried, sweardropping and shaking anxiously.

"Do you play?" Nagi asked boredly but his eyes also held a certain glint in them, one that was deemed as curiosity.

Nagi thought you were cute. Cute and small, also the type that probably plays games. He's wanted to ask you for a while bur was too lazy, now was his chance to ask you.

"..y-yes?" You replied meekly, dropping your glance down to his phone where a silly little chibi game was shown with wizards.

Oh! Even his character looks like him! Cute~ You gushed internally but your face remained the same, blank as usual but anxiousness clearly shown.

"Wanna play? I'm bored." He mumbled and scooted closer to you so you can see his screen.

You nodded in return and paid tour attention to the little characters fighting and Nagis concentration.

"Do you not.. like soccer?" You asked, toning your voice down extremely low almost to a whispers but he managed to hear you.

"Its a hassle. I want to have an easy life so I can play video games all day and be with choki."

"..choki?" You blinked in confusion and seemed to be in thought. Just who was this 'choki'? Have you met him before?

You were in an obvious thinking state with your hand on your chin, and going through the lists of names of all the highschoolers you know.

"My cactus.." Nagi mumbled and huffed, continuing his game. You made an 'oh' face and focused on the game once again.


"Huh? Where's Nagi?" Reo suddenly stopped in his tracks of running and blinked in confusion looking around the field for the blotch of white.

"Damn brat... Probably off playing games again tch." Barou muttered, clearly annoyed and done with Nagis laziness.

"Oh he's with! M/n?.." Isagi replied in confusion, he also stopped running causing the other players to stop too.

"He's stealing my M/n-chan!" Bachira pouted and rammed into Kunigami who let out a yelp of surprise from the sudden force and steadied himself.

Chigiri patting Kunigami on the shoulder and scolding Bachira for his immature behaviour to which he only received giggles in return.

Chigiri patting Kunigami on the shoulder and scolding Bachira for his immature behaviour to which he only received giggles in return

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