chapter 10

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A groan was heard led on by a loud dramatic sigh.

"I miss M/n-chan..." Bachira grumbled obviously unhappy with the outcomes of life.

"He'll be back s-soon?.." Isagi trailed off seeing the said person being unwillingly dragged into a dodgy area behind the school.

Rin seem to catch on to what Isagi was staring and and followed his intense gaze to where the now disappeared M/n was! Rin glared at Isagi before muttering a quick lukewarm and striding over to the area.

"Eh?! Rin! Did you see that too?" Isagi questioned trailing behind Rin hot on his heels.

"Obviously you half baked idiot." Rin replied glaring at Isagi from the corner of his eye. He grinned sheepishly in return.

"Guys wait up! Where are you going~" Bachira sang playfully now caught up with the two boys.

"M/n happened." Rin deadpanned and Isagi laughed nervously.

"Oh? What happened to him?" Bachira questioned curiously now rounding the corner from where you were dragged to.


There stood the said boy with a bloody bruised lip and a cheek that was starting to bruise and swollen, all teary eyed being pinned to the wall.

Two boys around a year older then you seemed to recognise you as B/ns brother to which they dislike very much and decided to attack you instead.

You were just plain confused and worried, who were these scary guys that were attacking you?

You held back your tears whimpering slightly as a punch to the gut was sent your way, the two boys laughing at your state.

"What are you lukewarms doing?" A deep voice was heard, which caused the three of you to whip your heads to the way it sounded from and stare wide eyed.

Rin glared at them seeming even angrier then you've ever seen him. You internally sighed in relief and felt your self being unpinned and chucked into a strong broad chest.

You looked up onto to see a smiling Bachira staring down at you, the sight alone made your kept in tears to burst and they shamefully streamed down your beat face.

"M/n! Are you okay? Holy shit!" Isagi rushed over to where you and Bachira were and you tearfully nodded and Isagi was clearly frowning, sweat dripping down the side of his face.

Isagi pat your head in comfort now removing you from Bachira deathly hold and comforted you to the best he could. Bachira now swiftly changing demeanour joined in with Rin, to harshly threaten the guys who attacked you.

"Get out of here brats.." Rin scoffed and punched one of the guys in the nose which caused blood to come rusbing out of it and Bachira drop kicking the other one. They both shakily got up and bolted away.

Nows my chance to.. escape! You thought and squirmed in Isagis grip and tried to run away to the opposite direction only failing in the slightest.

Rin yanked int he back of your collar and you came stumbling back into his tall figures chest. You yelped and tried to escape again only for Isagi and Bachira to block your way to the exit.

You continued to squirm in Rins hold which caused him to grunt in displeasure and pinch your hip. You jolted and stiffened, now becoming flustered at the close proximity.

"..stay still you damn brat." Rin muttered through gritted teeth, annoyed at the situation and your feeble attempts to escape his hold.

"Ne ne whyd they attack you anyways M/n-chan?" Bachira questioned and grabbed your chin and tilted it to the side, inspecting your

"Im not sure?!... C-can you please let me go?.." You mumbled now extremely flustered with a now aching hip along with your bruised and battered face.

Rin sighed and let go of you, now seeing this as your chance to finally escape these weird events you again tried to bolt away only to be stopped sadly by a arm being held out, you rammed patheticly into that arm and groaned in annoyance.

Okay now who the hell?!.. You rubbed your forehead with a pout and looked up to see the meaning of this, only to see Isagi with his arm held out, looking at you with a frown.

Only when you thought you trusted him, now he stopped you from leaving!

Bachira giggled and latched onto Rins arm but got thrown off almost instantly and Isagi put his arm down to his side.

"..M/n what's the meaning of all this?" Isagi pouted and observed your face injuries again.

M/n what's the meaning of all this?" Isagi pouted and observed your face injuries again

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soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now