chapter 15

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Hii sorry for not updating :(I'm making longer chapters :D

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Hii sorry for not updating :(
I'm making longer chapters :D

Shidou chapter 🤤🤤

It was getting late and you were starting to panic, just slightly.

Originally your brother would've picked you up but he ended up being busy or some sort.

You decided to spend the afternoon studying an a small Cafe straight after school ended, ignoring a certain group of boys protesting about your exit so arubtly.

You sighed as you stopped in your tracks and glanced up to the now dark sky. The moon shining bright.

You sniffled and adjusted your scarf higher because of the chilly weather. You clutched your bag tighter and continued to stroll down the path.

In all honestly you were quite hungry, even if you were only just at a Cafe you ordered just a drink.

You blinked a few times abd rubbed your eyes, now making your way to a 24hr convenience store.

The bell chimed signalling the very tired worker to glance up and looked at tou through half lidded eyes, she greeted you quietly and then went back to scrolling on her phone.

You waved shyly and strolled over to the sweets section craving something sugary, you stuffed a variety of snacks and drinks before going up to the counter.

"That would be 750 yen." She sighed and finished scanning your items putting them in a grocery bag lazily, not sparing you a glance.

"Thank you." You mumbled and grabbed the bag and made your way out.

Instantly the cold air hit your fragile skin and you shivered at the feeling. You pulled out your phone checking the time and for any recent messages from your brother.

You frowned when you realise he left you on delivered.

Even after you spammed him multiple times complaining how he didn't drive you home.

"..whatever." You grumbled unhappily and clicked the call button.

You stood outside the store patiently, waiting for your brother to pick up. He didn't.

Guess that settles for you to just walk back, the time nearing midnight.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now