chapter 29

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You continued to watch the scene play out intensly. Now hiding behind a pillar even thought it was obvious you were there. Passerby students giving you weird looks but you were too focased to pay attention to them.

"I see you discovered their new plaything." A monotone voice cut in from beside you catching you by surprise.

You jumped slightly but quickly regained composure after seeing who it was. Sae stood right before you seemingly like an angel with the light relfecting behind him.

Your face turned red since Sae caught you staring at them.

Sae cut off your overthinking with a deep sigh. He shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets lazily as his teal eyes bored down into your own big eyes.

"He hasnt been here for long. 2 days." He answered your unspoken questions making you nodded furiously wanting to know more, the taller male chuckling slightly at your eagerness.

"His name is  Akiyama Kaito. Same year as you and hes a transfer student from Korea. Hes fluent in japanese since his mother is Japanese and hes quite popular from where he comes from, he plays soccer too. " Sae stated with a neautral expression as he stared down at you.

"Hes shit at it." He finished, answering your questions in your mind. Frowning slightly you looked down and gripped the ends of your hoodie.

Sae raised a brow at your antics but paid no mind and continue to stare at you with a questioning gaze.

"..I-Im not jealous by the way.. I-If you thought I was then youre wrong-" You mumbled with a frown and pout now lookign up at the tall male who was looking at you with a serious expression.

"I never implied you were. " Sae replied back casually, not paying any mind to your stuttering and obvious nervous self who was clearly lying, "I was just telling you information about him. Hes lukewarm." He finished off with a shrug as he put out one hand and placed it atop your head. 

Your eyes widened slightly at the comforting gesture and you felt tears building up which Sae didnt pay any attention to as he pat your head softly. You blushed madly and blinked away the unshed tears.

Sae put his hand back into his pocket before sighing and looking over to the loud group again, which somehow didnt notice your appearance yet.

"Just ignore them, they dont care." He stated the obvious making your heart shatter just the tiniest bit as you looked back at the ground again and held onto your bag tightly.

You nodded but your expression made Sae believe you werent feeling right at the moment. He sighed again before grabbing your arm gently and dragging you into your direction. Panicking as their attention now went onto the two of you.

You tried to escape his death grip but to your surpris ehe walked straight past them, you being dragged along too. Locking eye contact with Rin whos eyes widened at the sight of you and his older brother together.

You quickly broke the eye contact and walked closer to Sae who was unbothered by everything per usual.

"Do you think they hate me?" You mumbled out with hopeful eyes they didnt. Sae scoffedstill looking straight ahead, hand in hand with yours.

"No. Dont be stupid." He stated matter of factly coming to a stop infront of the math classroom. "Now go in or you'll be late, like they are." He rolled his eyes before rufffling your hair and walking away to his own duties.

Staring at his figure becoming smaller and disappearing into the fading crowd you blushed as the many thoughts of the conversation with Sae appeared in your head. 


Your eyes widened at the sight of a smiling and blushing Ness rushing over to you, Kaiser not in sight surprisingly.

"Ness!" You replied back with a surpirsed tone and wide eyes, the males grin widening at the sight of your big eyes.

"Dummy did you forget we're in the same math class? We're already 5 minutes late lets not make it 10," He smiled with closed eyes before leaning down slightly to peck your cheek making you blush madly.

"Y-Yes!" You stuttered way too loudly for your liking with a sweatdrop as Ness laughed at you and lead you into the class apologising to the professor who couldnt care less the two of you were late.

I almost forgot Ness and Kaiser kind of hate hanging around Isagis friendgroup. You thought with a look of realisation coming over your features.

They probably wont replace me would they? You thought with a small smile as you glanced at Ness who was doodling little drawings onto your page.

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now