chapter 13

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I want to make some special chapters like for christmas 😓😯

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I want to make some special chapters like for christmas 😓😯


Damn I just freaking hope my packages I ordered online arrived before I go on holidays 😔😞 im so dumb for ordering shit late even when I knew I was going out of country! Whoops! 😛😛

!! Grammar mistakes !! (I'm too lazy to fix them)🗣


"I-im fine! Really!" You mumbled out but your speech sounded funny and jumbled up since Kunigami was doing the honours of treating your wounds.

He was holding your cheeks together with one hands whilst adding some type of cream to your cheek and wiping the blood of your lip.

"I've actually heard of those guys before." Chigiri suddenly chirped out, popping next to your seated position on the couch.

Currently they all made the decision to go to your house and hang out instead of doing soccer.

How awkward on your defence..

"Eh? You do?" Kunigami questioned, surprise evident in his face but his face remained focused as he treated your wounds.

"Yeah they're actually some type of delinquent gang? They do all that weird shit ya know." Karasu answered just before Chigiri could utter out a word.

"Why did they even go for you in the first place." Reo chimed in and popped up next to you, taking a seat beside you on the couch, Nagi following along next to Reo.

"..don't know." You muttered and sighed when Kunigami let go of your cheek, patting it softly once more before going to the kitchen to see the trouble Shidou was causing with some others.

Chigiri smiled softly at you and pat your head before following along wjth Kunigami since there was a loud noise coming from the kitchen.

"M/n play this with me." Nagi demanded whilst tapping the controls on his phone trying to defeat the boss.

"Nagi!" Reo exclaimed shock and slightly embarrassed by his sudden demand.

"You cant just go around and forcing people to do stuff you want." Reo lightly acceded lightly, repetitively poking Nagis cheek which caused the boy to whine and squirm on the spot.

You sweatdropped and hurridly got up from your seated position and bolted to the kitchen where most people seemed to be.

"Might as well throw a whole party since everyone's here..." Rin grumbled unhappily, he was unfortunately dragged along by a very happy looking bee.

That said bee being the bundle of joy Bachira who was now standing on the counter and giggling whilst munching on some chips he found. Whilst a very displeased Barou was rambling on about how unhygienic he was and trying to grab him but the boy just kept moving away.

"Eh? Oh M/n. Hey" Isagi smiled and waved to you as a greeting, he seemingly being the casual one here.

You smiled back nervously and tried to search for your brother.

"Whys the soccer team here anyways..?" You questioned whilst sweatdropping.

Isagi chuckled lightly and moved so that he was directly infront of you.

"Not so sure actually, Bachira just dragged me along.. Same as Rin, he doesn't seem too happy about it though." He glanced over at the said boy who was glaring daggers at Bachira.

Both you and Isagi deadpanned at him.

So gloomy... You both simultaneously thought.

 You both simultaneously thought

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So cute they're all huddled up in your house for some odd reason 😊

I wanna make Christmas special chapter! Damnn I wish I was in Japan it's such a lovely place 😞😭

soft; bluelock x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now