Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov:
Tuesday 5th of May

The blinding lights of New York shine in my eyes as I clutch my daughters hand tighter. The smaller Y/h/c girl looks up at me with pleading eyes as we approach a McDonalds.

"Please mama." She says, putting on her best puppy eyes. I chuckle shaking my head. "Please." She repeats clutching my hand with both of her hands now.

"Of course angel." I smile at her seeing the brightest smile form on her face.

"Yay!" She exclaims, speeding up her small steps. I smile adjusting the small backpack on my shoulder and speeding up my step to catch up with my daughter.

We enter the McDonalds and the busy chatter transfers from the street inside. Jade clutches my hand tighter as people swarm around her. I squeeze her small hand three times, quietly telling her 'I love you' and 'I'm right here'. The smaller girl immediately squeezes back three times, making a smile form on my face.

I approach the counter with Jade.

"Hello!" The worker greats. "What can I get you?"

"HI!" I smile. "Can I get one happy meal?"

"With a toy mama." Jade whispers tugging at my trousers. I smile at her.

"With a toy please." I say to the lady behind the counter. She gives me a smile, entering the order.

"Anything else?"

"No thank you." I smile.

"Okay that would be 6$. Cash or card?" The cashier says.

"Uhm." I say rummaging through my pockets. "Cash." I smile, pulling out my last 20$ note and handing it to the cashier.

"Thank you." She smiles, handing me the reciept and change. "Have a nice day."

"You too." I smile taking the receipt and change from her hands. I put the change in my pockets but hold the receipt in my free hand since Jade is still tightly holding my hand. "C'mon angel." I say as we walk to the pick up part.
I watch my daughter happily eat her chicken nuggets and small fries. She meets my eyes immediately handing me a fry.

"Take it mama." She says.

"It's okay baby, mama ate already." I smile at her but she shakes her head.

"C'mon mama, just one." She insists.

"Fine angel." I smile taking a fry and popping it in my mouth, seeing a sattisfied smile on the smaller girls face. "How was your first day of school?"

"So good!" She exclaims. "We did art and recess was soooo much fun-I made new friends already."

"That's amazing angel." I smile. "What are their names?"

"Becca and-Timothy I think." Jade says, eating the last fry.

"That's nice." I say. We sit for a moment in a comfortable silence as she eats her chicken nugget.

"Mama?" The y/h/c girl meets my eyes.

"Yes angel?" I say.

"Is dad ever gonna come back?" She asks. My breath hitches at her question.

Clearing my throat and showing the tears away I answer "Maybe. D-do you want him to come back?"

"I don't know mama." She mumbles. "He makes you cry and that's not nice."

I force a smile at her response even though I never knew she heard all our fights and all the times he made me cry.

"It's okay angel. Don't worry about that." I smile taking the smaller girls hand in mine. "It's me and you. Always."

"And forever." Jade finishes my sentence and squeezes my hand three times. Tears from in my eyes at her gesture, but nevertheless I squeeze her hand three times making her smile.

"C'mon baby let's get you home." I say as I notice it getting dark outside.

"Okay mama."
I lay on my bed with Jade on top of me, peacefully sleeping. My hands run over the child's back soothingly, as I place a kiss on her head. She snuggles more into me at the gesture, a huge smile forming on my face.

Moving to New York hasn't been easy, escaping Jade's father hasn't been easy. But holding the smaller girl in my arms as she peacfully sleeps, knowig she doesn't have to fear her dad walking in drunk or high or both makes it all so worth it. Knowing she will be safe here makes all the hard work I have to put in so worth it.

"Whatever it takes." I whisper, hugging Jade tighter. "Whatever it takes." I repeat.

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