Chapter 2

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Hailee's pov:
Tuesday 5th of May

I angrily shut my laptop, taking in a deep breath.

"Woah, why so angry Haiz?" I look up seeing my brother enter my office.

"The fucking media." I sigh.

"What did they do now?" He chuckles, sitting in one of the office chairs.

"Well, Cameron just did an interview telling everyone that I was the fucking problem-and now everyone is writing how I'm a bad girlfriend." I explain, anger rising in my senses. "Ugh he fed them so much shit!" My hands slam against the desk as I try to release the built up anger.

"Okay calm down, Haiz." Griffin says leaning forward so that his elbows are resting on his knees. "Just give a counter statement or something." He suggests.

"I'm not getting on his level." I firmly state.

"Okay, then maybe take a day or two off and punch a boxing bag or something-the last thing you need right now is an assault charge." Griffing suggests with a small chuckle at the end.

"Yeah I guess." I say. "Thanks Griff." I smile at my brother.

"Of course anything for you." He smiles. "When are you leaving for New York?"

"Tomorrow." I respond.

"Cool. You want me to drive you or?"

"I thought you had a race tomorrow." I say.

"Nah that got cancelled." He waves his hand.


"Well I wanna take my baby sister to the airport, and I wanna make sure that paprazzi don't attack you again." Griffin explains.

"That's sweet of you. Thank you." I smile standing up and walking towards him. He meets me halfway, wrapping his arms arround me. I've always felt so safe in my brothers embrace.

"I love you baby sis." He says releasing me from his arms.

"I love you too." I smile. "And I'm 25 Griffin I'm not a baby."

"You'll always be a baby to me." The taller man ruffles my hair and I smile.

"I have to pack." I say.

"I'll help."
Wednesday 6th of May

I sit on the private plane, music blasting in my ears as I flip through the new script I just received. Kate Bishope seems like such an interesting and a really complex character. The more I read the more excitement overtakes me.

My hands reach from my phone and I open it using google maps to research the area where I'm staying in order to familiarise myself with it so that I don't get lost.

I scroll through the coffee shops and different stores, but one coffee shop catches my eyes. Dayglow. The coffee shop is kind of small and is located at a corner of a street which is perfect for avoiding the annoying paparazzi. I screenshot the coffee shop and its adress since I plan on going there right after I unpack.
The busy chatters of New York fill my ears as I walk down the street, surprisingly no one recgonised me. Which is amazing. Finally I reach my destination. Dayglow coffee shop. The bssiness of New York fades away as I step in the coffee shop.

I take in the warm comfortable ambience this coffee shop creates. Before I can reach the counter someones bumbs into me spilling warm coffee all over my white shirt.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." I look up from my shirt seeing a smaller Y/h/c girl with a shocked expression. Her eyes are aologetic as she meets mine.

"I'm so sorry." She repeats offering me a wash cloth from her shoulder. I take it trying to wipe the coffee away which obviously isn't going away.

"It's okay don't worry." I smile at her.

"I-can get you a free coffee or-or a new shirt-or both-I'm s-" She rambles but I cut her off.

"Hey it's okay." I meet her mesmerising y/e/c orbs as her charming smile appears.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Yeah." I smile at the girl.

"I'll still get you a free coffee." She smiles.

"You don'y have to-" This time she cuts me off.

"I insist. It's the least I can do." She says placing her hand on mine to stop me from rubbing coffee off my shirt.

"Okay, if you insist." I shrug making her smile.

"Okay follow me." She says and I trail behind her as we make our way to the counter. "So what would you like?"

"What do you reccomend?" I smile.

"Well our cappucino is pretty good. It's my go to." She smiles.

"Okay then I will have a cappucino." I say.

"Take out or staying in?"

"Take out." I say glancing at the clock noticing I'm already late to my meeting. "Shit." I mutter.

"Can I get your name?" She asks, and I glance at her with a smile. "For the order I mean."

"Of course it's Hailee."

"Sorry there is like a million ways to spell Hailee. So how do you speel it?" She says making me chuckle.

"It's H-A-I-L-E-E." I spell it and she writes it on the cup, turning around as she starts to make me a coffee.

I watch her in adoration as I feel someoe bumb in my legs. I look down in cofusion seeing a small kid looking up at me.

"Sorry." She mutters, and I offer her a smile. She walks behind the counter walking up to the girl that's making my coffee. "Mommy I'm bored!!" The smaller y/h/c girl whines.

"Just one more hour angel." The girl smiles at her daughter? She turns around handing me my coffee.

"Is she yours?" I ask.

"Yeah, she is." She smiles placing a hand on the childs head.

"You look alike." I smile taking the coffee from her hand.

"Thank you." She smiles. "Have a good day."

"You too." I smile waving to the smaller girl who waves back before I exit the coffee shop with a huge grin on my face,

I'm defientley coming back to this coffee shop.

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