Chapter 24

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Hailee's pov:
Monday 2nd of June

Y/n has decided to take a shower in order to try and calm down for a moment while i make a few phone calls. Just as I'm about to make the first call I hear a knock on the door.

Hesitantly I turn the knob opening the door. In front of it stands a man in a brown jacket with some black pants. His hair is greyish and his arms are crossed across his chest his face scrunched in annoyance.

"Hi." I greet.

"Where's Y/n?" He asks, and I feel myself turn more protective when he says her name in such a tone.

"In the shower. Who are you?" I ask, straightening my posture to try and seem more intimidating.

"I'm her landlord." He responds. "Listen tell her she's out, she hasn't paid the full amount and I ain't havi-"

"How much does she owe you?" I interupt him pulling out my wallet.


"Here." I pull out 200 dollars from my wallet and hand it to him. His eyes widen as he greedily snatches the money from my hand. "Now leave her alone alright? She's dealing with shit right now so go easy on her next time."

"Yes ma'am. H-have a nice day." His tone changes and I chuckle to myself knowing the effect that money had on him.

I close the door and I still hear the shower running so therefore I pull out my phone clicking on the contact I wanted to click before that man interrupted me.

The line rings for a few moments and then a familiar voice fills my ear.

"Hailee! How you doing kid?" My uncle James asks in a cheerful tone and a thick country accent.

"I'm good. How are you?" I match his tone as I speak.

"Good, good. What's up kid, how can I help you?" He questions.

"Uhm, I am in New York right now and-fuck I need help from the police but I can't go to the police." I try my best to put into words what I'm wanting to say without actually saying it because you never know who's listening.

"Alright, listen." James says, pausing for a slight moment as I hear what seems to be a dorr shutting. "I can send a couple of my guys from the secret police to wherever you are. I just gotta know kid. Are you hurt?"

"No, no I'm good. It's not me don't worry." I respond.

"Alright send me your location and my guys will be there in half an hour."

"Thank you so much."

"Anything for you Haiz."

The line cuts off and I let out a sigh of relief. My uncle founded an organisation called the secret police. Their job is to deal with cases exactly like this. Where you cannot call the police but you need their help.

I turn my head towards the bathroom door as I see Y/n come out in a new set of clothes. She sniffles and I notice her eyes are bloodshot. My poor baby gas probably been crying in the shower.

"You make the calls?" She asks, walking over to me.

"Yeah there's gonna be some people here in about half an hour." I respond seeing her face go from sad to confused in a split second.

"People? Who?" She asks.

"Secret police-"

"Hailee! I said no fucking police!" She shouts and I flinch at the sudden change of tone. My hands go over hers and I look into her eyes calmly trying to let her know it's not what it looks like.

"Baby they are a secret police people don't even know they exist." I softly say tracing patterns on her knuckles.

"But he could see them enter the building and-"

"They enter through back doors." I cut her off. "No one will see them. Trust me."

She takes a deep breath looking down at our hands. "I can't lose her Hailee." Her voice cracks as tears start to fall from her eyes again.

"You won't my love. I promise you you won't." I pull her into my embrace letting her cry into me for what feels the thousand time today. Not that I mind it tho. It just lets me know that she feels safe and secure with me which is the most important thing.

As Y/n said earlier I will do whatever it takes to bring Jade home. I will do whatever it takes to have both of my girls back with me.

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