Chapter 20

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Y/n's pov:
Saturday 31st May

"Mommy help!" I hear Jade scream through heartbreaking sobs.

"Jade! Where are you?!" My elaborated breathing makes it hard for me to speak, as I run as fast as I can through the dark woods.

"Jade!" I turn corners and corners hoping to see my daughter, but she's nowhere to be seen.

Another turned corner I am met with a pair of eyes I can never forget. "Jake please, where is she?" I breathlessly ask, as he steps closer to me a dark chuckle falling from his lips.

"She's gone Y/n and it's all your fault." He taints circling around me.

"No, no, no stop. Stop please stop." I plead, tears pouring from my eyes, my chest feeling so tight air barely passing through my lungs.

"Jade is gone and so will," He pauses pointing in front of us where Hailee sits tied to a chair. "She be."

"No! No Jake please don't hurt her." I plead louder as I try to move my legs but yhey feel like they are stuck in quick sand which is pulling me down.

"Help me please." Hailee pleads weakly her head hung down in defeat.


"Y/n wake up!"

"C'mon sweethart wake up."

My eyes fly open and so does my body immediately in a seated position. My breathing is so fast I am barely getting enough oxygen as sweat drips from my forehead.

"Y/n baby, hey I'm right here." I turn my head sideways seeing Hailee with concern written all over her face. Her hand soothingly rubs my arm as I try to calm down. "It's okay you're safe. Just breathe baby." Hailee's soothing voice rings through my ears as I feel my breathing slow down a little bit.

I look at her with teary eyes as she offers me a small smile, opening her arms. My body moves closer to hers, her arms wrapping around me like a security blanket.

"You're safe." She whispers, kissing the top of my head. My breathing completely calms down as I melt into her embrace.

She moves her body so she's laying down with me snuggled up to her side, my head layed on her chest as I listen to her calming heartbeat.

A few minutes pass and no words are exchanged, just comfortable silence filling the air around us. My eyes feel more heavy and I fight closing them.

"Sleep, darling it's 3am. As long as I'm here no one can hurt you." Hailee whispers, her fingers playing with my hair.

I reply with a soft hum as my eyes close and I drift off to sleep.
Hailee's pov:

My eyes open and slowly adjust to the sun that is pouring in from the curtains. The girl in my arms is still peacefully sleeping. A smile tugs on my face as I admire her.

The door of the bedroom slowly opens making me look in that direction. Jade's small frame enters the room and I shoot her a smile.

"Mama?" She whispers.

"She's sleeping sunshine." I reply to her.

"I'm hungry Lee." I smile at the nickname and carefully place Y/n down on the pillows, before leaving the bed and walking to the little girl.

"You like pancakes?" I ask as we leave the bedroom, quietly closing the door.

"Yes!" She exclaims, her eyes lighting up.

"Let's make some then."
After eating pancakes Jade and I sit on the couch as she watches a cartoon and I check my phone for any new messages.

"That's mama's shirt." Jade says, crossing her arms.

I smile putting down my phone before meeting the little child's y/e/c eyes.

"Mhm, I know." I hum.

"Stealing isn't nice." She mumbles her eyes brows furrowing making me smile with how similar she looks to Y/n.

"I didn't steal it sunshine." I gasp, pretending to be offended. "Your mama gave it to me."

"Why?" She asks.

"Well, I needed something to sleep in." I answer and she studies my face for a minute before turning her attention back to the cartoon in front of her.

I release a sigh I didn't know I was holding. How does a toddler make me so nervous?

"Mama really likes you." She mumbles her attention still on the TV.

"She does?" I smile.


"And do you like me?" I ask, and she looks at me for a second.

"You make mama happy, so yes." She answers, not looking at me.

"Good to know." I say, ruffling her hair, making her giggle.
Y/n's pov:

I open my eyes hoping to see Hailee next to me, however the other side of my bed is empty. Slowly I get out of the bed and as I open my bedroom door the smell of pancakes and the sound of laughter fills my senses making me smile.

As I enter the living room I see Jade giggling as Hailee tickles her sides, a cartoon playing on the TV.

"Well, what's happening here?" I say, and both of the girls look at me their eyes lighting up.

"Mama!" Jade jumps up and I kneel down hugging my daughter.

"Morning angel." I say, tightening my arms around her.

"Morning mama." She says pulling away from the hug.

I stand up from kneeling as Hailee walks over. A smile immediately plasters on my face as she greets me with a hug.

"Morning." She whispers.

"Morning." I say, hugging her a little bit tighter.

"Lee made pancakes!" Jade excitedly says.

"She did?" I ask, pretending to be surprised.

"She did!" My daughter says and I smile ruffling her hair.

"I can get you some if you want." Hailee says.

"I'll get some don't worry about it." I smile at her before leaving to go to the kitche.

A smile doesn't leave my face as I replay the image of Hailee and Jade getting along so well. Hailee is everything I searched for and I had no idea I needed her this much.

I need this woman to be mine. I don't care about anything else.
A/n: hope u enjoyed some fluff cus im abt to ruin ur lives in the next few chapters! I love you all! Don't forget to comment and vote! As always stay safe and take care of urself!until next time byeeeee

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