Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov:
Saturday 24th of May

"Jade! Jade! Where are you?!" I shout, worry evident in my voice, my feet hurt from all the running I've been doing, my heart beats so fast like it is about to burst out of my chest.

"Mommy! Help!" I hear my daughters voice but no matter where I turn I can't see her. I can only hear her desperate cries for help.

"Fuck, Jade where are you?!" I shout once again into the abyss I find myself in. It's like the whole room is dark and there is nothing around me just the echoing cries of my daughter.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n." I hear a snicker coming from behind me and I immediately recgonise it. "You'll never see her again." Jake's voice echoes through my ears and I want to shout but my body is frozen.

I feel Jake's presence behind me, his lips ghosting over my ear. "I'll hurt her in every single way I hurt you and you can't do anything about it." 

"No, no." I shake my head, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You're a bad mother Y/n." Jake's words echoing through my head as I see Jade in the distance, her clothes dirty and her eyes red from crying.

Jake slips away from me walking towards out daughter. "No! No!" I exclaim trying to move my legs but they feel as if they are stuck in quick sand.

The last thing I hear is a heart wrenching scream from my daughter.

I shoot up from my bed, sweat dripping down my forehead my heart beating out of my chest. Tears are dried on my cheeks and my hands are shaking.

I look next to me seeing, Jade sleeping with her teddy bear tightly against her chest. She looks so peaceful. I lean down pressing a kiss to her forehead and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

This nightmare I just had has been making it really hard to sleep since it has been reoccurring for a whole week now. Ever since Jake came back.

My biggest fear is having Jade taken away especially by that monster.

As I admire my daughter my phone buzzes. I reach over and grab it seeing a notification from Hailee.

You working today?

I smile at the message and type a response immediately.

Nah I'm off today
What are you doing today?

I was gonna go to the park
Wanna come with?

My heart skips a beat, and my smile grows wider.

Hailee Steinfeld are you asking me out?

I no I mean I just I

I'm joking dummy
I would love to go

Oh okay

Is it okay if Jade comes?

Jade? Who's that?

Oh shit sorry
Jade's my daughters name

Of course she can

Okay ty

Ofc pretty girl

Pretty girl. She just called me pretty girl. Blush creeps up on my cheeks and I let out a small giggle

Hailee and I agree on a time and place where to meet up and as the day goes by my excitement only increases. This is the first time we will meet up outside of just work.

After questioning if I like Hailee or not for days I've finally come to a realisation that I do like her. However I am terrified of a commitment especially a relationship.

Jake left such a seep scar on me that no matter how long it passes that scar will never fade away. No matter how hard I try I still see him in every single person I meet. I look for the worst in people so I can push them away and therefore not commit to anyone.

Hailee does feel different to anyone else. But I can't help and doubt her image as the media is painting her like a villain.

The truth is I am scared of getting hurt, and if I'm going to trust Hailee to hold my heart I need to be 100% sure she won't play with my heart and I have to make sure she will treat my daughter right.

These are high expectations to be met and I am aware of that and that day as I leave the house with Jade on my way to meet Hailee I feel hopeful for this new blossoming relationship I am creating with the older woman.

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