Chapter 18

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Hailee's pov:
Friday 30th of May

It has been a couple of days since Y/n and I had that talk, and yesterday Y/n has decided to move back to her apartment. I protested since her ex seems fucking crazy and I don't want her to get hurt.

Currently it is 7pm and I am in the hallway which leads to Y/n's apartment. After I came to the hotel room today I realised she forget some of her clothes so I decided to take them to her.

As I come closer to the apartment I hear two voices. One of them is Y/n's but the other one is masculine not like her ex tho. It doesn't sound anything like him.

I stay behind the corner only peeking my head to see what's happening. Y/n's is standing inside her apartment with the door open as the man stands outside of the apartment.

"You're late again Y/n." He says, with frustration lacing his voice.

"I know, and I'm sorry but I still haven't gotten paid and I had a lot of stuff to pay for-"

"Save the fucking excuses." He cuts her off, sternly. "If I don't get my money by Sunday you're out. Understood?"

"Yes." Y/n sighs, as the man leaves. She shuts the door and I lean back against the wall.

Million thought surface my mind with the interaction I just heard and the main one is I want to help her. She will refuse it I know she will but she's struggling and I need to help her.

With that in mind I walk over to her apartment door and knock on it.

"Hector I'll get the-" Y/n says as she opens the door but when she sees me her eyes widen and she stops talking. "Hailee? Hi. What are you doing here?"

"You forgot some of your clothes so I wanted to give them back." I say handing her the bag that contains some of her clothes.

"Oh, thank you." She smiles taking the bag from my hands.

"Mommy who's there?" Jade says as she stands next to Y/n. The little girl's eyes widen in happiness as she sees me. "Lee!" She exclaims as I crouch down welcoming her in my arms.

"Hey sunshine." I smile squeezing her tightly.

"I missed you." She mumbles as we pull away.

"I missed you too." I say. "But look what I got." I reach into my back pocket pulling out two lollipops.

"Thank youuu!" She excitedly takes the lollipops from my hands, a huge smile painting her face.

"You didn't have to." Y/n says as she looks down at us with adoration in her eyes.

"I know, but I wanted to." I smile at her as I stand up.

"Lee, can you come play with me?" Jade asks, looking up at me with her best puppy eyes.

This kid is adorable.

"That's up to your mama sweethart." I say.

"Mama, please." Jade's puppy eyes travel over to Y/n who sighs with a small chuckle.

"If Hailee isn't busy then sure." Y/n says looking over to me.

"I'm free for the rest of the day." I smile, Jade squeals excitedly while tugging onto my arm towards the apartment.

1 hour later

Jade is currently sleeping as all the playing has exhausted her. I am getting ready to leave but before I reach the door I hear Y/n's voice stopping me.

"Wait." She says. "You wanna stay for a bit?"

"Uhm, sure why not." I smile at the y/h/c woman and she returns the smile.

"Want some wine?" She asks.

"Are you even old enough to drink?" I chuckle and she does as well.

"Well by the law no, but when you have a kid they assume you're over 21 so I can buy it anywhere." Y/n says making her way to the kitchen. "That a yes or a no?"

"Sure." I say. "How old are you?"

"Twenty." Y/n answers pulling out two wine glasses along with some red wine.

"And Jade's five so you had her at-"

"Fifteen." Y/n finishes my sentence. "I didn't make the best choices back then but Jade came out of them so I don't regret a single thing I did." She says, walking over to me and handing me a wine glass.

"Thanks." I say, as we walk over to the couch.

"Of course." She smiles as we sit down. "So what's up with you?"

"Eh, nothing much. Just a lot of work." I shrug my shoulders taking a sip of my wine.

2 hours later

At our 3rd glass of wine Y/n and I can't stop laughing. Everything we say is funny in some sense. I'm not complaining tho her laughter us the best thing I have ever heard.

Unconsciously, during the two hours we have been drinking our bodies have shifted closer together. I am sitting back onto the couch with Y/n's legs in my lap as she leans back. My free hand is on the lower part of one of her legs and she seems to smile everytime she looks that way.

"This was fun." I sigh, leaning my head back into the couch.

"It really has." Y/n nods in agreement.

I look towards her and my heart skips a beat as I realise how close we are. Her eyes flicker down to my lips and the tension in the room builds.

"We shouldn't." She sighs.

"No we definitely shouldn't." And with that the tension in the air is broken as I seal our lips in a kiss. I can taste the wine on her lips as the kiss intensifies.

I move my hand up and down her leg everntually landing on her thigh, small gasp slips form her lips as she tangles her hands in my hair. Y/n shifts her position now straddling my lap her legs either side of me.

I move my hands off of her, wanting to be respectful and not touch her where she doesn't want me too. The kiss breaks when she pulls away in confusion why I have taken my hands off of her.

"Guide my hands where you want them baby." I whisper, my voice dropping an octave. A small "fuck." slips past her lips as she meets my eyes a smirk on her face as she gently takes my hands guiding them to her waist.

I settle my hands there caressing her clothed waist. She then takes my hands again pulling her shirt up a little bit before settling my hands on her waist but under her shirt.

A small moan slips past her lips as my icy fingertips make contact with her warm skin.

"God Y/n/n." I sigh caressing her waist as she connects our lips in an intense kiss. The wine we consumed earlier is leading our actions, and we both know that.

It should be wrong to do this after the talk we had but if feels so right. She feels so right.

A/n: get robbed. Hahahah. Im so funny ik. Anyway hope u enjoyed! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all and until next time stay safe and take care of urself! Byeeeeeeee!

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