Chapter 23

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Y/n's pov:
Monday 2nd of June

My heart beats faster as I hear my daughters voice beam through the phone. Instantly my eyes fill with tears. Hailee's hand is over mine as she tries her best to comfort me.

"Jade! Jade sweethart are you okay?" I ask, frantically.

"Wow you think so low of me Y/n." A dark chuckles comes from the other end and of course I immediately recgonize his voice. "Think I would hurt my own daughter?"

"Jake please." I sigh. "What do you want?" I question knowing I'm ready for whatever it takes to get Jade back.

"That's a silly fucking question isn't it?" He responds clearly growing more frustrated. A tear slips down my cheek as I realise my assumption he wants me is most likely true.

"You want me." I whisper.

"Well done." He snickers.

I look over to Hailee seeing her own teary eyes as she absorbs Jakes and mine conversation. It breaks my heart seeing her like this. It breaks my heart knowing Jake won't rest until he has me back in his bruising grasp. Hailee and Jade are all I want and need.

"I'll send you a location and you better be there tonight at 9." Jake sternly instructions before immediately hanging up the phone not giving me a chance to respond.

Tears fly from my eyes as a sob escapes my chest. Hailee's arms Instantly wrap around me welcoming me into the safety net of her arms.

"You can't go Y/n. Please don't go." Hailee's voice leaks with desperation and it is evident she is holding back tears.

"I'm sorry Lee. I'm so sorry." I apologise, tears continuing to abuse my cheeks.

"We can find another way, please let me make a few calls and I ca-"

"It's okay." I cut her off, meeting the hazel eyes the woman next to me possess. "It's going to be okay." I repeat more of a reassurance to myself than to Hailee.

"Y/n please let me help." Hailee begs, cupping my cheeks. "Please. I need you and Jade in my life, I can't live without you two." The brunette woman admits and her voice cracks at the last words. Tears spill from both of our eyes as I lean my forehead on hers.

"I have to get her back Hailee." I whisper.

"We will get her back." She says again. "Let me help. Please."

For a moment I get lost in the maze that are her eyes. My heart bears so much pain since the moment I realised Jade is with Jake, Hailee seems to soothe the pain a little bit. And I am not used to getting help from people I in fact hate it. Especially with something like this. It's Jade's life we are talking about here. My daughter's life. I can lose everything else but not her. God please not her.

"Please Y/n." Hailee's familiar voice snaps me out of my trance.

I nervously chew the inside of my cheek as I think of what to do. What do you do in a situation like this? My daughter is in the hands of a man that inflicted so much pain on me, not even numerous showers I take can wash him off of me. Off of my body abd off of my mind.

The scars he left are endless and numerous. Scars on my heart, brain, arms, thighs. He's everywhere. He's all over me. His signature is one me, and he's clearly written it in permeable ink.

The only thing he didn't stain in my life is Jade. And now God knows what he can do to my daughter. He's a monster and monsters don't choose their victims. They kill anyone and everything that is in path of their success.

A memory of me promising Jade that one night that I will do whatever it takes to get us out of there flashes in front of my eyes. I remember the feeling of hopefulness I felt in that moment, knowing I will in fact do whatever the fuck I can to have my daughter safe.

"Whatever it takes." I say out loud, under my breath. "Let's bring her home Lee."

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