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Jace grabbed her, one hand moving to her waist and the other to the side of her face as he pushed his lips against hers. He kissed her with fire and passion and anger. There was resentment in it, but there was also an uncontrollable desire. Jace's heart thumped roughly in his chest, the feelings growing inside him starting to overwhelm him. He had never known how good a kiss could be until he had kissed her. She returned the kiss passionately, her hands pushing up into his messy dark wind-swept hair.

"Shut up," he mumbled breathlessly against her lips, tired of hearing her argue with him. He moved his lips against hers hungrily, an uncontrollable need for her now taking over.

"Jace, I'm engaged..." she spoke against his lips, but she couldn't stop herself. Jace didn't care in that moment. Aemond, her engagement, how much he disliked her. Nothing mattered. Nothing aside from her lips being against his.

"I don't care..." he replied, his lips meeting hers once again, pulling her as close as he could now like he was scared she would slip away. He could feel his lust for her growing quickly, his kisses becoming more feverish.

"What are we doing...?" Saera questioned him, noticing his grey eyes were almost black with desire. His breathing was growing heavier, Jace gripping her tighter and more desperately.

"Jace," Saera pressed her hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly. Their faces were still close, both now breathless and panting as they looked at one another. "What are we doing?" She questioned him, bewilderment on her beautiful face. Jace began to feel like he was waking up from an incredible dream, the harsh reality of what they were doing washing over him like a cold wave.

"What are we..." he let out breathlessly, both staring at one another, Jace still holding her close by her narrow waist. His eyes went wide. "Seven hells, what are we doing?" He questioned both Saera and himself, releasing her from his grip as they both stepped away from one another. It pained and frustrated Jace to separate from her. It felt so good, he thought to himself, part of him still wanting to pull her back to him and continue.

"I...did we just...?" Jace questioned, running a hand through his hair. Had he just kissed the girl he absolutely despised? The girl who is engaged to his uncle?

"We? You kissed me," Saera corrected him, a frantic but irritated tone in her voice. Her blue eyes were open wide, her cheeks still pink and her long white hair messy.

"And you enjoyed it!" Jace retaliated, shouting back at her. She scoffed, but couldn't think of something to say back to him for a few seconds. It was very evident that she had enjoyed it. Their bitter and resentful bickering and arguing had already resumed, mere seconds after they had stopped kissing.

"No I...I didn't, it was..." she stammered angrily, trying to think of a negative way she could describe what had just happened without letting Jace know how much she wanted to do it again. How much she wanted to do it again and more.

"Seven hells, don't fucking lie to me!" Jace growled at her, the pair close once again, his hand moving to the side of her face as he looked down at her. Their expressions were angry and full of hate, but deep within them something else was burning and twisting and growing. "It felt good," Jace hissed down at her. "You know it did..." he continued, his voice low and husky, Saera feeling like she was starting to give in to what she really wanted again.

"It doesn't matter!" She snapped out of it and pushed him away, turning from him and running two hands through her white hair, clutching her head. "It doesn't matter how it felt because it is never to happen again," her voice was firm as she turned back to look at him, trying to compose herself now. "I am engaged to Aemond, you are his nephew. This was a mistake." She said, scowling at him. She was angry at him for creating this confusing situation for them both.

𝐖𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ➵ 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓼 𝓥𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷Where stories live. Discover now