𝟏𝟔 | 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Saera shut her chamber door roughly behind her, collapsing against it and sliding down the door, wrapping her arms around herself as the sobs finally choked free. She shook with each cry, tears now burning her skin as they rolled down her cheeks, her throat aching and burning as whimpers left her lips. There was a sharp and heavy pain in her chest, and a sick feeling in her stomach. Her head nipped and her heart ached, hurting so much she wanted to tear herself open and remove it herself.

"You don't love me?" Jace's words echoed around in her mind, the girl curling into a ball as sobs shook her small form, burying her head into her arms and trying to calm herself to no avail. She wished she could've told him everything she felt, she wished for it so badly, but he would've stayed. He wouldn't leave her, and it would ruin both of them.

Her head spun, grief overwhelming her as she let out ragged breaths, trying to stop sobbing. She had not cried in years - the last time being when her sister had beaten her at a duel and almost dislocated Saera's shoulder in the process. This was different all together. This was hell.

She weakly crawled to her bed, pulling herself up and burying herself under the heavy duvet, pulling the cold sheets around her and wiping the wet tears from her face. They would not stop coming, like an ever-flowing fountain of water she felt more roll down the cheeks she had just wiped. It was a pain unlike any other, a longing that would never be fulfilled and her heart cracking and splitting in her chest.

Saera squeezed her eyes shut roughly, trying to push Jace from her mind entirely. She didn't want to think about him or him leaving, she didn't want to think about him at all. But there he was, his devastated, angry, hurt expression seared onto the backs of her eyelids. He was torturing her.

She sobbed and sobbed in bed, crying until tiredness eventually took hold, forcing her under the darkness into a restless and haunting sleep.

Saera was flying Thunderbolt, soaring through the clouds. She looked down at her sleeves, noticing she was wearing her gleaming silver armour, matching the pearlescent dragon scales beneath her. Her blue eyes searched the skies, but she was alone.

"Rȳ se clouds," (through the clouds) she murmured to Thunderbolt who let out an affirming noise, dipping beneath the thick white layers, moisture coating Saera's face as they broke through the layer. Saera looked at the dark sea below, noticing Dragonstone now in the distance. She had read stories about the great island fortress, but to see it was another thing entirely.

She smiled at the gleaming rock, looking at the walls and jutting segments of volcanic land, emerging out from the raging sea below. She flew over the fortress and in the direction of King's Landing, her smile fading as she noticed what appeared to be warships, a whole fleet of warships entering the gullet. Her brow furrowed as she gazed out into the distance, flying Thunderbolt towards the wooden ships. She caught sight of the banner on the sails, a black stag on the yellow material. The Baratheon fleet.

"What the..." she whispered to herself, now approaching the ships. However, before she could reach the approaching fleet, a flash of a dragon flying much quicker than she was passed overhead. Saera looked up, seeing Vermax's green scales shining in the daylight. It was Jace.

"Jace!" She yelled out, but the boy did not hear her, flying straight for the many ships. He wore black and red Targaryen armour, his expression determined.

"Dracarys!" She heard Jace yell, Vermax spitting a huge burst of searing hot orange flames onto the ships below, burning the Baratheon men who let out terrified shrieks of pain and fear. Saera tried to catch up, but it felt like Thunderbolt was flying slower than she ever had, almost like the silver dragon was stuck in mid air.

𝐖𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ➵ 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓼 𝓥𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷Where stories live. Discover now