𝟏𝟗 | 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝

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Saera gazed at Criston Cole, pulling her daggers into her hands and gripping them tightly. Criston looked at the Valyrian steel blades she clutched in either of her hands, his brown eyes then shifting back up to her delicate features.

"There will be no need for those, my Lady. This is not a fight you yourself can win." He told her, gesturing to her weapons. He was right, she didn't stand a chance. However, this did not matter to her. She would fight with her dying breath to get to Storms End.

Saera watched the doors to the dragon pit behind the King's Guard open, Aegon pushing his way inside and walking towards his knights. Saera looked at the crown that sat upon his head scornfully, the mere sight of him already making her blood flow hot in her veins. The King's Guards separated as Aegon approached, creating two lines for their King to walk through. He walked through the regimented men who stood in perfect formation and past Criston Cole, stopping just a few paces in front of Saera.

Her glare shifted from Criston to Aegon, knuckles white as she gripped the hilts of her daggers and tried to control the burning fury that was consuming her. She wanted to kill him then and there to end the war, but she knew that if she did she would die before she could make it to Luke.

"My Lady, you were instructed to stay within the Red Keep until your marriage to the prince in a weeks time." Aegon reminded her, his look sharp and his words full of irritation.

"You have since snuck out of the castle and attempted to escape the city all together. This disobedience will not go unpunished." He continued, the girl clenching her jaw at his words. "If you return to the castle peacefully, I will reduce your discipline considerably."

"That isn't going to happen." She spoke through gritted teeth, Aegon shooting her a bitter smile. He knew her, and he knew she would not accept those terms.

"I did not think it would." Aegon replied, aware of the girl's fiery and resilient nature.

"So, Prince Aegon," Saera let out, her words dripping with venom as she refused to refer to Aegon as King. "I suggest you enact your punishment swiftly. You may not get another chance." She continued, a smile now tugging at the side of her lips. Aegon noticed her expression change, the boy drawing Blackfyre from its sheath and pointing the king valyrian blade at her. His brow was furrowed, confusion on his face.

"What are you insinuating?" He questioned her, Saera's smirk growing slightly. There was a silence, Aegon gazing at her with uncertainty. He could tell she had something planned, the boy growing more and more sure that he did not want to stay and find out what it was

"Put your daggers away." He commanded, watching as Saera did was she was told, sliding them into their sheaths. This shocked him, the boy witnessing her follow his instruction without a second thought. He hesitantly stepped towards her, his blade still pointed at her, his steps slow and calculated. Aegon then pushed behind her, grabbing both of her wrists in one of his large hands and pinning them to her lower back. His other hand gripped his sword, pressing its sharp edge to her throat so she could not resist. She stood perfectly still, allowing him to do this to her without protest.

Saera could feel his tight grip pinning both of her hands, the boy pressing his mouth close to her ear as he stood at her back. "Aemond isn't here yet, remember. I get to punish you in whichever way I see fit." He told her, Saera now hearing the lust in his voice. However, her grin did not fade, despite hearing his disgusting remark.

The group of gold cloaked knights had left the formation, standing a distance away and watching as Aegon forced Saera to walk forwards, one of them prepping chains to put her in. Criston Cole smiled at the sight of Aegon pushing her towards them.

𝐖𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ➵ 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓼 𝓥𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷Where stories live. Discover now