𝟏𝟑 | 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲

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The tents were already set up when the carriages arrived, everyone stepping out onto the muddy ground and gazing up at the cloudy sky above. The hunt would commence the following morning, so the first night would consist of a feast. The carriage ride had grown rather awkward and tension filled, Jace having kept his hand close to Saera, who could feel both boys arms pressing into her shoulders at either side with every shake and jolt, a sick feeling in her stomach. When it finally came to a stop she held in her sigh of relief, trying not to make it too obvious.

The first to leave was Aemond, who was followed by Saera. Aemond extended a hand which she took, the tall boy helping her down and steadying her as her feet hit the ground with a hand on her waist. She forced a thankful smile onto her face which appeared to please Aemond, the girl feeling his hand linger on her waist for a few seconds before dropping back to his side.

Jace stepped down, followed by Aegon who walked past everyone with a determined expression on his face, straight towards the large main communal tent.

"Away to have an early start before the feast, no doubt." Saera said to Aemond who nodded, the pair watching his brother march off. He would start drinking a few hours before anyone else.

Helaena was last, Jace once again offering her his hand to help her down. She grinned, gladly taking his hand and letting him help her land gently on the ground. Saera noticed, appreciating the way Jace seemed so gentle and kind to Helaena when her own husband couldn't be further from it. Jace let Helaena go, his grey eyes moving towards Saera, noticing how close Aemond was holding her. Saera watched his expression sharpen, still standing beside the carriage.

"Your family appears to be seeking your presence, nephew." Aemond informed Jace, shooting a quick glance to Rhaenyra, Daemon, Luke, Rhaena and Baela who were standing beside the carriage they had just dismounted from, Luke gazing over at Jace curiously. Jace shot Saera once last look as he moved past them and towards his family. Saera watched him go, her eyes on his back as she focused on his messy dark hair, and the tightness of his shoulders. He was irritated and she could tell, but there was nothing she could do.

"He is made for a throne he will never sit." Saera heard Helaena mutter very beside her, Saera's head snapping towards the taller girl with a bewildered expression.

"What did you just say?" Saera questioned, Helaena blinking and snapping out of the trance she had seemingly been in, tearing her eyes from Jace and looking at Saera with a now relaxed expression. Saera wasn't entirely sure of what Helaena had said, but she was certain it had not been positive. Helaena noticed Saera's perplexed and disturbed expression, furrowing her brows in confusion at the girl, clearly having no idea of how to respond.

"The servants are taking our things to our tents. We have a few hours to relax before the feast and drinking shall begin. Would you care to come with me on a walk through the Gods Wood?" Aemond questioned Saera, who moved her gaze from Helaena to the prince. She did not want to venture out into the dark woods alone with Aemond, daggers or no daggers. The girl had grown weary of the two Targaryen princes, having seen the extent of their wicked deeds and behaviour.

"I'm sorry, my prince, but I feel rather light headed and sickly. I think I will go and lay down for an hour to ensure I feel well enough for the feast tonight. Perhaps the Princess Helaena could accompany you?" Saera suggested quickly, lying to her betrothed about feeling too ill to go with him. Something about the way Aemond was looking at her told her he knew she was lying. Helaena smiled and nodded, looking at her brother fondly.

"I would love to, the air out here feels clean and fresh. We should walk amongst the trees and bare witness to the summer dewdrops and moss, brother." The princess continued to beam as she talked, her voice silky and serene. She wrapped her hands around her brothers arm as Saera nodded at the pair and walked past them towards the tents at the opposite side of the encampment. Saera could feel Aemond glancing over his shoulder, his singular blue eye glaring sharply into her back as she headed towards the makeshift chambers in her tent.

𝐖𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ➵ 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓼 𝓥𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷Where stories live. Discover now