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Later I'm on the floor messing around once again. Alex watches me. When someone walks in. Alex smiles. She walks to her.
"You must be Emily."
"I am."
"Hey Dylan, come her for a second."
I walk over.
"Emily, this is Dylan. Dylan, this is Emily."
"Hi." I say.
"Dylan, I will be right back. Keep Emily company okay?"
"Sure." She walks away. "Hi."
"So, how old are you?"
"14. I'll be 15 soon."
"Good age."
"So, what do you do for dance?"
"Jazz and gymnastics."
"I do too. I'm the only gymnast here."
"You joining?"
"Think so."
Alex walks out of the store room. She holds a jacket.
"Looks like you are."
Alex comes back smiling.
"Should fit."
Emily puts it on.
"Welcome to Dream."
Emily smiles.
"Dylan, you glad to have another gymnast?"
"Well, can you show Emily around? I've got another class."
"So, what do you all do?"
"Jazz, hip hop, lyrical, and gymnastics. We do a lot of lyrical here though."
"I want to learn lyrical!"
"It's fun."
"I just love watching lyrical dances I can't wait to learn it!"
Max walks in.
"Who's that?"
"That's Max."
"Hey Dylan."
"Who's this?"
"This is Emily. She's a new member of the team."
"Well, glad to have you. Hey, just so you know I guess Kimmy isn't coming back."
"I know."
"Well, see you in class then."
He walks upstairs.
"Is he a good dancer?"
"Yeah. He's really good. He was on Elite but dropped down because he didn't like it up there and his age fits better with us."
"I see."

"Okay guys. Some know, some don't. Kimmy is not coming back here anymore. But I have good news, we have a new member to Dream, Emily."
We all clap.
"Now, line. Emily, you weren't here last week. Kimmy, who's not here but finished third. Max, did awesome in the group. Nice job. Sophie, did awesome in Fire and Ice, but you did loose your footing but did an awesome job hiding it. Don't think they noticed. And top, Dylan. You had a rough week last week. And pulled off in the group and the duet. Well done."
We all clap.
"Now, dances this week. The group. I am going to give Dylan a solo. Max a solo. And Emily a solo. Jess, since you won't be here for competition. You don't need to come to class this week."
Jess leaves.
"Okay. Let's get to work."
"Wait, why isn't Jess with us?"
"She is going away for a while."
"Okay. Max, I want to start with you."
Emily, Sophie and I head downstairs.
Emily walks to floor. I stand by her.
She does a full.
"Nice job!"
She front handsprings, and walkover. She falls.
"Hey, faster."
"Your not getting over fast enough."
She looks at me. I walk out to floor. I handspring and walkover and land.
"Get your body over fast enough."
She tries again. She lands it.
"Wow. You know your stuff."

"Dylan." Alex says a little bit later.
I walk up. Max walks past me.
I walk into the big room.
"Dylan, your solo is called Battle Scars. Goes to the song Battle Scars." I smile. "You ready to do this?"
She teaches it to me.

"Okay guys. Group is going to be awesome. I can see it already."
Her phone rings. She looks at it.
"hold on guys."
She walks out. She walks back in.
"Sorry guys. Family emergency. I'll meet you here tomorrow. Practice your solos okay?"
She runs down the stairs and out the doors.
"Oh no. What do you think is going on?"
"Maybe someone got hurt or something. I don't know." Max says.
"Maybe. But she ran out of here like a."
"Race car."
"What did you just say?" I say looking at Max.
"Like a race car."
"Don't tell me your a racing fan."
"I am. Loud and proud!"
"Okay then."
"What? Is that a bad thing?"
"Just make sure your tires are tight and engine is good. And don't crash. And wear a HANS Device as well."

Did she just talk racing to me?
"We're not Dale Earnhardt here."
Did she just say Dale Earnhardt?
"And so help me God you mention the name Jr around me you will get slapped."
She doesn't like Jr? Yes!
"Who talks about Jr? He's an idiot."
"He is. I'll stick to Rowdy."
"Jimmie Johnson."
Being stubborn are we?
"Well, I'm going to head home. My moms waiting for me."
"See ya Sophie." Dylan says. I wave as she leaves.

Dance till you dropWhere stories live. Discover now