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"Okay. Here we go guys. Welcome to class once again. This week we have a group dance. And two solos. Emily and Dylan. I want you two girls to show off your stuff. Your both talented. Dance your hearts out."

I call Dylan in.
"Okay. Your solo is called Setting Sun. Thought it was fitting for you. It's upbeat and happy. You are the sun and you know you will rise again."
I run her through it. She is amazing. But so is Emily. I just hope one of them doesn't push them self too hard.

I call Emily in.
"Your solo is called Party. Upbeat. For your age what you do for a party is more fun and things like that. I want you to have fun with this."
I teach her it.

"Who do you think will win Mary? They're both talented." Jackie asks.
"I don't know. Both good dances. This is going to be hard."
"All up to the judges I guess." Cindy says.
"Oh Emily watch that turn." Jackie says watching.
Emily falls out of it. But spins again.
Dylan walks back in to run her solo again. Alex seems happy for some reason.
Dylan goes into the turn. Someone walks in. We all look down. Everyone gasps. It's Jay.
"Alex knew. Is something going on Mary?" Cindy asks.
"No. Not that I know of."
Dylan sees her and smiles.
"Dylan, I believe Jay wants to tell you something."
Dylan looks confused. Jay walks to her. Max, Adam, and Emily walk in.
Jay looks at her.
"I got news last night about something."
Oh no.
"I had a brain scan yesterday." Dylan looks nervous. "And we got some news."
Jay wipes her face.
"Dylan, the cancers gone."
Dylan looks at her.
"I'm cancer free. And there's a very small chance it will come back. I'm back to normal now."
Dylan hugs her. The moms all walk down. Dylan is in Jay's arms crying.
"Oh my God." She says.
"I'm okay. And there's something else."
Alex leaves. She comes back with something behind her. She nods at Jay.
"Before I was diagnosed. I did something. Something I loved but had to stop. But now that I'm better I can do it again."
Jay steps back. She leaps into a spin and stays for a long time. She stops.
"I was part of a dance studio. I danced lyrical and tap."
Dylan's eyes go wide. Adam, Max, and Emily all run to her and hug her.
Alex walks over.
"Jay." She says. "Turn around and close your eyes."
She does. Alex puts a bag around her shoulder. She puts the coat on top of the bag. Dylan smiles. Emily wraps her arm around Dylan.
"Jay, we would like to add you to the Dream team."
Jay smiles. All the dancers go and hug her.
"Welcome Jay!" They all yell.
Dylan looks at her.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted a surprise. And you got it."

Oh my God. I can't believe this.
"Let's run the group now that we have the full team."
The parents leave. We run it. I see Jay's mom Sandy walk up on top.
"Jay, front split leap."
She does.
I am so happy that we have something else to bond on. And we all love her like she's been there forever.

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