After comp

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I walk to my dad after the competition. He hugs me.
"That's my girl."
"Thanks dad."
"Now, where is this guy so I can give him the talk."
"Nothing is going to happen dad. We're just friends."
Crystal runs in.
She hugs me.
"Who is that guy you were with?"
She says it quiet so no one hears. I bend down.
"That's Max."
"Is he still here?"
"I don't know."
She looks around.
"look. There he is."
She runs away probably to him.
I have to go get her. There's a lot of people here. She can get lost.
I see her.
"Crystal get back here."
I walk to her.
"You know you can't do that Crystal. God. Your going to give mom a heart attack."
"Oh it's fine."
I look up. Good. She made it to Max.
"Now would you go by mom before she does have one."
She walks back to my parents.
"Sorry about that."
"You look after her don't you?"
"yes you do."
"No I don't."
"Do too."
"Fine! I do. She's my little sister. I have to."
"That's true. Don't worry. I do the same."
"Kind of have to don't we?"
"Yeah. We do."
I smile.
"Hey, you did great today by the way."
"But rely, you did great, and looked great."

I can tell she doesn't have confidence in herself. I don't get it. When she's on stage she does but otherwise no.
"Well, I've got to run. My sisters got a game. See ya."
No! Don't leave me! No!

Max is such a sweet guy when it comes to Dylan.

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