Chapter 1: Losses and Gains

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(Warning: There will be swearing and some mature themes in this story. Also, it is a story I'm planning to write and actually publish, so I may not complete it on here, and this version won't be edited. There will also be scenes, such as s*x scenes, which I won't include in this book but will in the actually published version. I'm just writing it on here to start so I can have motivation for writing the actual book. I'll let y'all know when/if I publish the actual book.)

     Our story begins in a Kingdom of Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and other such races. The Kingdom of Welnor was once a glorious place, where honour was the driving force of all decisions made. The Kingdom and its surrounding forests were once protected by its Royal Guard, an assembly of brave and do-gooding Knights. Five Captains lead this Royal Guard; Felix James, Datrix Welnor, Robert Daltar, Elizabeth Joans, and Salebelle Mernsott. The royal family lead the Kingdom. Their King believed in keeping the Kingdom strong and thriving, while the Queen believed in listening to her citizens and helping them to achieve their goals. Prince Famar and Princess Dakasi were known as the Kingdom's sun and moon. A bright and charming Prince, and a clever and playful Princess. The Kingdom was happy and well off, everything was well...

     However... All good things must come to an end.

     The Princess was quite young on the night her life would change forever. With the maturity of a five year old human, she had yet to understand the cruelty of the outside world. She just knew she was never permitted to leave the castle, but that wasn't a rule she minded. She had her brother, Famar, who at the time had the maturity of a twelve year old human. He was her best friend, the one who would comfort her after she woke from a nightmare, or hid her away and distracted her when her parents fought. That night, Dakasi was restless, and crept into her brother's room with a mischievous grin.

     "Famar...." Dakasi whispered, stepping on the tips of her toes. Her white hair was a mess due to tossing and turning in bed. Her violet eyes glowed in her brother's dark room. "Famar!" She called louder, receiving a groan in response.
     "It's still dark." Famar complained as he rolled over in bed. He pulled his golden comforter over his head, in an attempt to hide from his persistent sister. Dakasi only giggled and ran towards the bed.
     "But dear brother, sleep eludes me!" The young Princess said dramatically.
     "You use way too big words for a five year old." Famar muttered, turning away from his sister.
     "Not my fault I pay attention to the tutors and you don't." Dakasi huffed.
     "You don't have tutors." Famar reminded her.
     "I know that. I listen to yours to get ahead." Dakasi informed him with a grin.
     "You're such a pain." Famar grunted.
     "I know!" Dakasi cheered proudly.

     Then, Dakasi grabbed onto Famar's blanket. It was a soft thing made of silk and stuffed with the fluffiest cotton. The blanket was decorated with fine embroidery, not that the child cared much about the blanket's quality. As her brother yelled after her, Dakasi squealed with laughter and ran out of her brother's room, the blanket dragging behind her.

     "Kasi!" Famar shouted, growling in frustration as he climbed out of bed. Dakasi was already running down the hall, and it took several minutes for Famar to catch up to her. "Get back here!" He demanded.

     Dakasi attempted to keep her laughter quiet. The two of them would be in trouble if they woke the servants or the guards. A scolding from the Castle Staff would surely lead to an emotional state for the Princess, which would lead to Famar getting in even more trouble. As if he were the antagonist in this game of chase.

     "Gotcha!" Famar exclaimed. Dakasi screamed as he grabbed onto the blanket and pulled her back. Famar managed to wrap the blanket around her, muffling her laughter and squealing. "Shush! Are you trying to get us in trouble?" Famar teased, keeping his sister trapped despite her struggling.
     "Am not!" Dakasi assured him.
     "Are too." Famar rebutted.
     "Am not!!!" Dakasi insisted, whining at her brother as she freed her head from the blanket.

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