Chapter 16: Don't Go

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     Dakasi was brought back to Kantori's room to rest, and Millie went downstairs to play with Lillian.
     While laying in bed, Dakasi thought everything over. She could use her magic, and that could have made her useful to the Resistance, but... Due to having to deal with the sun now that she had to be awake during the day, she didn't have enough energy to use it abundantly. Her knowledge of the Royal Guard's patrols and schedules wasn't any use if she couldn't show up to the meetings. Unless she could find a way to stand up to her father... Which, a blindfold wouldn't work because he could just take it off... She was more a threat than an asset. She couldn't count on Lillian to conveniently wake her every time her father got a hold of her. She couldn't count on Salebelle to hide her location forever.

     The solution was clear to Dakasi. Until she could stand up to her father on her own, or until she could use her magic without falling unconscious, she was nothing but a risk to the resistance. Therefore, the best decision was to leave. She would find the sorceress that trained Salebelle on her own, and train with her until she could protect herself, and therefore protect Famar...
     And, if she was being honest with herself...
     She wanted to protect the others here too.

     Dakasi stood up, and took a deep breath. While Dakasi had rested, Rosalind had brought outfits to her room and sorted them into the dressers. Then she left to design more. Dakasi wrote a note to thank Rosalind for doing so, and grabbed a vial of tree sap so she could stic the note onto the dresser. Then, she unloaded the outfits made for her, and placed them down on the bed. She grabbed a napkin from the night stand, and tossed it up into the air. She waved both of her hands into an open arm gesture, causing the napkin to grow into a beautiful white cloth.

     Dakasi placed the cloth onto the bed, and placed the clothes on top of it. She added some books, some materials she'd need for performing magic, and... a photo of Kantori she swiped from the night stand. For no reason, of course. Just... in case she lost motivation. She had no pictures of Famar, after all. So it was only because Kantori's portrait was the only one she could take. Not because she wanted a picture of Kantori specifically. Not at all.

     Once she got that denial out of the way, Dakasi tied the corners of the cloth together. Then tied it around the end of her rose themed staff. Dakasi carried the staff over her shoulder, and quietly opened the door. She had to be careful. Millie would see her back to bed if she spotted the Princess roaming about. After all, Miles wasn't here yet to say Dakasi was well enough to move about. As a precaution, Dakasi bent the light around her, making herself invisible to anyone she might pass.

     Dakasi moved carefully towards the staircase. When she reached the staircase, she got on her hands and knees and carefully travelled down the steps in a backwards direction. This was the quietest way to do so. As soon as she reached the floor, Dakasi stood and dusted herself off. She looked around, and saw that the living room was empty. She could hear Millie and Lillian in the kitchen, singing a song as they prepared the meal. With a sigh of relief, Dakasi dispelled the bent light around her. No use wasting magic. She thought as she turned to the door. when she reached her hand towards the knob, however...

     The door was already starting to open.

     Dakasi took in a sharp breath, and stepped back as Kantori stepped in. Kantori blinked when she saw Dakasi, then her eyes fell on the staff and makeshift bag Dakasi was holding over her shoulder. Dakasi quickly moved her hand, and lowered her staff behind her back to keep it hidden. "Oh, Kantori. You're back." She greeted innocently.
     "I am." Kantori confirmed, her eyes meeting Dakasi's. Dakasi looked away.
     After a moment of thought, Kantori stepped forward, and closed the door behind her. Dakasi backed up, and Kantori crossed her arms. "So." Kantori began, leaning against the door. "Where were you off to?" She asked.

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