Chapter 23: Ambushed

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"You're losing your edge." Miles murmured as he sat by the rushing current of an icy blue river. Dakasi, whom had used accompanying Miles as an excuse to escape an uncomfortable interaction with Datrix, growled in frustration. While Miles was collecting shells, stones, and other materials from the river, Dakasi was turning stones into daggers and throwing them at trees.
When Miles spoke, she nearly threw a dagger in his direction. Instead, she stabbed it directly into a tree beside her. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She demanded as she folded her arms over her chest.

"It means one of two things. Ever since Kantori released you, I've failed to see the vicious warrior people say you are. I've only seen a frightened princess. Meaning you're either putting on an act of weakness to lower our guards, or... You're letting fear and insecurity motivate your actions. You've been incredibly hesitant, and I can't help but be concerned. It means that you're a possible liability, or that you're a hidden threat." Miles answered. He spoke with a level voice. He reached down and collected a stone, one with a green tint that shone in the moonlight. His soft demeanour would be better suited for explaining to a child that in autumn leaves change colour and fall to the ground.

"Do you expect me to remain sharp when my entire life has been turned upside down?" Dakasi questioned.
"I don't understand why you think that. You've always known your father was cruel. You said it yourself, you chose that life knowing it was wrong. Chose to protect your brother by sacrificing your own morals. Shouldn't you be more determined now that you are free to believe whatever you wish?" Miles reasoned as he put the stone into his jacket's pocket.

"Whose side are you even on?" Dakasi snapped. "First you convince Datrix to allow me to join you all on this journey, and now you're calling me a liability? If you don't trust me, that's fine. But can't you at least pick a side and stick with it?"
"You assume there are sides." Miles sighed. "We're all on the same 'side', Dakasi. I just observe and point out what I see as fact. People like to overlook things in favour of their emotions. If you want my opinion on the situation as a whole, I do think you are a valuable asset to the Resistance. However, I think you'd be more effective if you focused on how you can be an asset, instead of constantly focusing on whether or not people should trust you." Miles explained.

Dakasi threw another dagger, this one flying over Mile's head and hitting a tree across the river. "If your goal is to intimidate me, I have a sister whose second language is reckless actions. You'd have more success by trapping me in a calculated effort than lashing out." Miles informed her. "Unless your goal was simply to assault me. In which case; you missed." He added.
"You are a pain in the arse." Dakasi muttered.
"So I've been told." Miles acknowledged.
"No wonder Sarah hates you."

Dakasi's comment didn't gain a response from Miles. He finished his task, stood up, and used a small towel to dry his feet. "Speaking of Sarah, I see her approaching." Miles stated as he took one of Dakasi's stone daggers and used it to cut a mushroom growing on the side of a tree. Dakasi turned to see the half banshee waving at them.
"There you are. Dinner's being made now if you guys wanna come back to the camp." She told them.
"We're almost done here." Miles agreed. He placed the mushroom in his bag with the rocks, shells, and herbs he'd been collecting. "I want to collect some moss and fungi before returning, however." He added.
"Yeah, that's fine. It's still cooking so take your time." Sarah assured them.

Miles turned his head, and watched as Sarah began to walk away. "Sarah..." He called suddenly.
"Yeah?" Sarah asked as she stopped and looked over her shoulder.
"Is it true that you dislike me?" Miles questioned.
Dakasi, whom had been collecting her daggers and turning them back into stones, froze in place. Her eyes shifted and ears twitched. She observed from the corner of her eye as Miles stared blankly at Sarah and Sarah looked at Dakasi in distrust.

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