Chapter 24: Sleeping Beauty

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"She's waking up." A familiar voice stated. It was a warm voice, deep but feminine. Strong arms lowered her onto a cot, and Dakasi relaxed. "You with us, Princess?" They asked. Dakasi's mind told her mouth to speak but it didn't open. She attempted to nod but her neck ached and refused to allow her head movement. Instead she laid limply on the cot. The person kneeling beside her sighed. "Okay... Get some rest." Kantori murmured. She bent down and kissed Dakasi's temple.

Dakasi could feel herself drift back into sleep as Kantori stood up and left the tent. It seemed that they were safe, and she was not only permitted but expected to rest. So, she did. Whatever had happened in the aftermath of the fight, she could figure it out later. She'd be of no use to the Resistance if she could barely move...
     Then again... if she kept passing out every time she effectively used magic...
     Would she ever be of use?

     After about an hour or two of rest, Dakasi struggled to stand. She fell forward at first, and groaned as her sore limbs slammed uncomfortably onto the floor. "Dammit." She swore. Dakasi took a deep breath, then slowly moved herself into a crouched position. "One... two..." Dakasi whispered before standing. "Three." She hissed before stretching her arms into the air. "Okay... Just need to stretch, then I can get out of here." Dakasi murmured.

     She reached down and stretched her hands towards the floor. Then she reached back up to the fabric held above her. She moved a foot forward, bent her knee, and moved her arms outwards for balance. She then folded her arms against her chest while she switched legs. Then outstretched them again. When she was done stretching and taking breaths, her muscles felt a bit more compliant. Still; she had to support herself as she walked with a hiking stick she found in the tent.

     Dakasi left the tent and studied the area around her. Miles and Famar were helping Kantori, Sarah, Robby, and Datrix with injuries they obtained during the battle. Rosalind was working on keeping the protective barrier up as reinforcements attacked it from outside the camp. Dakasi felt her heart drop into her stomach as she took in the scene before her. Fortunately it wouldn't last much longer... The sun was rising and the Vampires would have to find shelter.
     However that didn't make the situation any less urgent. With determination in her eyes, she marched towards Miles. She watched as he healed a scar on Kantori's arm, much to the half elf's annoyance.

     "Miles, I'm fine. We need to work on packing up the camp and finding a way to keep moving." Kantori informed the wizard.
     "We need you in good condition first. We'll have to fight through this army to get out of here and we can't do that if you're injured." Miles reminded her. His gaze flickered towards Dakasi, and sighed in irritation. "What are you doing out of your cot? You're of no use to anyone if your energy levels drop again." Miles demanded.
     "Hey! Don't speak to her like that." Kantori defended.

     "Actually, Miles... I wanted to speak to you about that." Dakasi admitted.
     "Fine. Famar, make sure none of them get up. I know they're eager to get moving but they won't heal if they overexert themselves." Miles ordered. Famar nodded and looked to the others with a smug smile. Dakasi smiled, but her expression shifted into one of focus as Miles gestured for her to follow him. She did, and they walked until they were out of earshot from the others. "I'm assuming you wanted to speak privately. What is it you wanted to ask?" Miles prompted.

     "Why has my magic become so draining? I used to have an abundant amount of magical energy... I understand it has something to do with no longer being a Vampire, but... why?" Dakasi inquired.
     "It had to do with what type of Vampire you were. There's a reason Energy Vampires make good sorcerers. My magic comes from natural energies such as gravity, magnetic energy, temperature, air pressure, light, and occasionally energy from the Gods, Fae, Celestials, Demonic creatures, etcetera. Yours, however, comes from your own life force, and occasionally from the life force of spell components you use. This makes it incredibly draining to use a large extent of magic all at once." Miles began.
     "As an Energy Vampire however," He continued. "you are not only using your own life force. You are constantly draining energy from those around you, but it's less noticeable because the more people that are around you; the less energy you need to take from every person specifically. Draining energy is more noticeable when you use your empathetic abilities or drinking blood, but it still happened on a subconscious level when you used magic." Miles explained.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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