Chapter 13: Illusions

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Dakasi had the dream again. Walking down an endless hallway... This time, however, she knew it wasn't real. She wore an unimpressed expression as she walked down the halls. Her heels echoed through them.
When the halls faded, she stood in the throne room, and two guards attempted to restrain her. Dakasi quickly spun around and grabbed one of their swords. She went to use her powers of emotional manipulation, but... No ball of energy came out. Dakasi growled in frustration, and quickly leapt away when the other knight tried to grab her.

Dakasi slipped the sword into the neck hole of a knight's chest plate. As the second knight tried again to restrain her, she pushed down on the sword with all her might, stabbing the first knight through the back. As dream logic turned the first night to dust blowing away in the wind, the second knight managed to restrain Dakasi.
Once again, Famar appeared on the throne. A version of Famar with black hair and red eyes. He accused her of treason, as he had before. Dakasi ignored him. "You'd think my mind would have more creative forms of torturing myself." Dakasi scoffed. "Like, really? I had this dream already. Give me something new." She huffed.

The false Famar smirked, and the dream shifted into a different setting.

Dakasi woke up in Kantori's bedroom, and blinked in confusion. "Am I awake?" She asked herself. Then suddenly, she felt a piercing pain from behind her. Dakasi released a crying sound, and Kantori's dark chuckle came from behind her.
"Did you really think we were on the same side, Princess?" Kantori mocked.
The stone dagger stabbed into Dakasi's lower back twisted, and Dakasi gasped as her body twitched and grew dizzy. Blood spilled from the wound, her veins pulsed in an attempt to keep her alive.
"So naive..." Kantori mused.

"I'm not naive!" Dakasi shouted, quickly pulling away. Suddenly the area around them shifted, and the two of them stood wearing armour and wielding swords. Dakasi's feet dragged over the dirt as she tried to gain sturdy footing. The false Kantori with red eyes and an eager grin was already ready for battle. She wielded a long sword decorated with gold trim and emeralds. Dakasi's sword was lined with copper, and decorated with rubies. Bleachers surrounded them, and a crowd of shadows roared with cheers and applause that echoed over the arena they were standing in.

A horn sounded, and Kantori charged. Dakasi leapt out of the way and swung for the head of the red eyed half elf. Kantori ducked and kicked at Dakasi's ankles. Dakasi yelped as she fell, and Kantori leapt onto her. She pinned down Dakasi's arms, and the Princess struggled to escape as the half elf straddled her. Dakasi was only able to move enough to draw in the sand by her restrained wrists. "Admit it, Princess." Kantori chuckled as she did. "You've fallen in love with the enemy of your people. You're a naive traitor." The rebel whispered into her ear.
"I have nothing to admit." Dakasi hissed as she finished the rune she was drawing. "Except that my sword conducts electricity." She added, before forcing her hands up. Kantori forced them back down, accidentally hitting the rune in the process. A bright yellow light flashed, and lightning charged through Dakasi's sword. She spun around so that Kantori laid upon her sword, causing the electricity to spread across her armour.

Dakasi winced as the half elf screamed in pain. She quickly stood up, ears twitching and leaning firmly against her scalp. Dakasi backed away, and shook her head in panic while she watched Kantori twitch and writhe in pain. "Stop!" Dakasi shouted, waving her hands to stop the spell. She then quickly ran over, and pulled off Kantori's armour. Kantori snickered as Dakasi placed a hand over her injuries, and grabbed the crystal Dakasi was about to use to heal her.
"Denial is a good look for you, Princess. I don't think you can wear it much longer." Kantori taunted.

"I..." Dakasi spoke in a timid manner. She then paused, staring into the familiar red eyes. Her fists clenched. Her eyes closed. She took a deep breath. Then she stood up. "You're right." She stated, crossing her arms. "I am naive. Naive to believe that you could be reasoned with, that everything would be okay so long as I appeased you. Isn't that right... Father?"

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