Chapter 2: Shoes to Fill

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Time passes, and soon the Princess was about the maturity that a Human would be in their mid twenties. By this time, her mentor; Salebelle, had retired, and Dakasi took her place as the Royal Sorceress. Her eyes were a brighter violet than ever, due to the kind of Vampire she had become. An Energy Vampire, with the ability to play with emotions like a rubber ball.

Today, Dakasi had a routine but important task. Her expression was emotionless as she walked down the halls, her heeled boots echoing on the concrete floor below them. The dungeon halls were cold and humid. Dakasi was fond of these conditions. The gold helped her focus and the humidity kept her alert. Exactly what she needed.

Once she arrived at the cell number she had been given, a fake, sweet, innocent smile spread across her plum coloured lips. She stepped inside the cell, where a human was cuffed and chained to a table. Dakasi sat beside him, and offered her hand. "Dakasi Winters. And you are?" She introduced herself in a friendly tone. The human remained silent.

"Not one for niceties? I suppose I can understand that. Small talk is a burden to me anyways." Dakasi mused. She chuckled to herself as she looked through the file she brought. "Hmm... Says here you're a member of the rebellion. My, what reason do you have to rebel against my father? Has he wronged you in some way?" The Princess asked in a clueless tone. She tilted her head, and moved her eyebrows the way a concerned human usually would.

"You ask that like it's not obvious." The Human snapped. "You treat us like live stock, force us into 'Human centres', which take our blood on a weekly basis, and ensure we don't have the energy to fight back. What surprises you about the fact a resistance has formed!?! Please, enlighten me on your delusional logic!" He ranted.
Dakasi waited, forcing patience in herself. "Are you done?" She asked.
The human, as before, stayed quiet.
"Hmm..." Dakasi hummed as she scanned the file again. "Nicholas May... What a nice name. Tell me, Nicholas... How are you feeling?" Dakasi asked, receiving a glare as her answer. "I see... Allow me to fix that." Dakasi sighed.

Dakasi raised her hand, and a ball of red energy travelled from Nicholas's chest to her finger tips. The human's eyes widened in fear as Dakasi wiggled her hand around, moving the emotional energy as she pleased. "Isn't it pretty? Comes with the powers of the Vampire that turned me." Dakasi mused as the red energy turned green. "Feel better?" She asked, sending the energy back where it came from. Nicholas suddenly relaxed, leaning back in his chair with a comfortable smile. He giggled and murmured to himself. Dakasi giggled at the sight. "Hello, Nicholas." She greeted kindly.

"Hey..." Nicholas greeted in a slurred tone before laughing. His gaze wandered in a random direction, and his breathing came out in pleasant sighs. He sank into the chair despite it being made of steel. "Are you the Princess?" He asked suddenly, eyes wide in amazement once he started sitting upright again.
"I am." Dakasi confirmed. She smirked as she looked over the file. "Now, could I ask you something?"
"Of course! Anything!" The human cheered.
"Wonderful... Could you perhaps let me know where your base was set up? We'd love to visit." Dakasi requested.
"Sorry, your highness. I can't. Top secret." Nicholas informed her.
"A shame..." Dakasi sighed. "I was going to give you all presents too."
"You were!?!" Nicholas gasped, his eyes widening in excitement.
"Mhmm. Of course, can't do that without knowing where you're all at. Maybe next year." Dakasi dismissed.
"No! No I'll tell you everything!" Nicholas agreed happily.
"Would you? That would be so sweet."
"Yeah! It's in the Robin Woods, near the creek! Mine's one of the smaller camps though." Nicholas cheered.

"Thank you. You've been so helpful. Now, I must go. I hope you'll enjoy your new life at the Human Centre. I assure you you'll be treated well." Dakasi stated. As she stood up, Nicholas regained control over his own emotions. His eyes widened in panic when he realized the information that he was manipulated into revealing.
"Wait, I- no!" He shouted, but Dakasi was already on her way out. Once she left, two guards entered the cell. Nicholas would be taken to the Human Centre, where he'd have a room shared with three other humans, a schedule to ensure his good health, and a responsibility to have at least two bags of blood collected per week. He would be required to eventually mate with another human for the sake of reproduction, since Vampires needed as many humans in custody as they could have.

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