Chapter 8: Lillian

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"Wake up miss!" The child pleaded yet again.
Dakasi's eyes opened, and she groaned as she pushed herself off. Feeling groggy, it took a moment to process where she was. It seemed to still be day time... Sun poured in through the tent's entrance. Thankfully it hadn't touched Dakasi.
In front of the Princess stood a child. She seemed about the age of an eight year old human. The child had puffy blonde hair and tanned skin, with glazed over eyes. She wore a simple green dress with yellow floral designs, and yellow boots with pink fur and trimming. She fidgeted as she studied Dakasi, and sighed in relief when their eyes met.

"Oh good. You're awake! I'm so glad. You were having a really really bad dream." The girl informed Dakasi.
"Hmm..." Dakasi hummed thoughtfully, a frown settling on her lips. Her thoughts wandered for a minute or two. Then, she settled to a conclusion, and positioned herself so she was sitting comfortably. "I take it you're Lillian?" She questioned.
"I... No. No I'm not Lillian." The girl answered, her voice cracking as she avoided the Vampire's gaze.
"I take it you're not supposed to be talking to me?" Dakasi questioned.
"Mum says I shouldn't..." Lillian confessed, her foot gently kicking at the ground. "But I saw your soul in distress and wanted to help. Your soul doesn't seem dangerous... I thought it'd be okay." Lillian murmured.
"Soul?" Dakasi repeated as she blinked in confusion. In her half asleep state, she had failed to notice the girl's see through green wings with pink accents on their tips. The resembled the wings of a butterfly...
The wings of a fairy.

"Ah... Sarah did mention a fairy village." Dakasi recalled.
This caused Lillian's ears, which were longer than Dakasi's and twisted at the top, to bend back in an arched position. "Sarah wasn't supposed to talk about me..." Lillian whispered, as if this were a secret between her and Dakasi. "But yes, I am a fairy." Lillian confirmed. She spun around to show Dakasi's wings, and bumped into a support beam of the tent while she walked.
Dakasi couldn't help but giggle a little, and smiled, feeling sympathy for the child. Fairies were blind creatures. They had the ability to fly, communicate with plants and animals, feed off of sunlight and soil, and...
The only thing they could see was the soul of living beings.

"Kantori must care a lot about you..." Dakasi commented. "She's wise to keep you from me. I have taken advantage of children's naivety before to get my way. I'll do the same with you." She cautioned.
Lillian frowned, and tilted her head in confusion. "But why would you tell me that? Wouldn't that make it harder to take advantage of me?" She asked. Dakasi shrugged, and thought over her answer carefully. Before she could answer, however, a second visitor arrived. One seeming far less patient than the Fairy child.

"Lillian." Kantori spoke sternly, gently placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I told you not to approach her. I don't know if we can trust her yet and I don't want you to be harmed."
"I'm sorry Mummy... She was having a nightmare and I wanted to help her." Lillian apologized.
"That is very sweet of you, Lilly. However, it would be the worst nightmare in the world for Mummy if you were to be hurt. Can you understand that? Please be more careful." Kantori reasoned.
"Okay, Mummy." Lillian agreed. She then looked back at Dakasi, and waved goodbye. "Bubye Princess lady. I won't see you soon. I hope your nightmares go away." Lillian said before scampering out of the tent.

"Cute kid." Dakasi chuckled once Lillian was gone.
"She is." Kantori agreed, though her tone was more deadly now. She marched towards Dakasi, and pulled out a dagger. "Now, I need you to listen to me." She began, holding the dagger to Dakasi's neck. The princess sighed, and despite the pounding in her chest, appeared calm and uncaring. "I know your reputation, Princess. I know the methods you've used to interrogate my followers and their families. I understand you'll do whatever it takes to complete whatever goal you've set your mind to. Whoever you manipulate, whatever strategy you use, I want to make one thing clear. Lillian, and any other children that may come to this camp, are off limits. If you harm any child that I'm responsible for, the sun will never be a concern for you, because you'll never see the light of day again. Are we clear?" Kantori threatened.
"Crystal." Dakasi affirmed.
"Good." Kantori stated, withdrawing the dagger.

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