Chapter 19: Famar, the Feeble Fable

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     Dakasi wasn't the only one with dreams.

     Famar sat on a cliff by the ocean. One leg dangled off the cliff's edge. The other was bent so its foot was pressed against solid ground. While one arm held him up in a sitting position, the other rested on his upright knee. His brown eyes sparkled in excitement as his blonde curls danced in the wind. He grinned at the view before him. The tide clashing with the shore. Dolphins in the distance leaping over the tides. A cold bite in the chilly air as strong wind blew grey clouds over the pale blue sky. The smell of ozone was in the air, and Famar could feel electricity racing through his veins.

     Famar stood up. He took his time adjusting his legs. He stretched his arms into the air, then lowered them to his sides. Next he took four steps back, paused, lowered himself into a warrior stance... Then he ran, and he leapt. The former Prince released a thrilled shout as he launched himself into the air. Lightning flashed in the distance, and a reflection sparked in his eyes. Famar pulled in his arms, and tucked his elbows beside his ribs whilst his hands clenched into fists. He brought his knees to his chest and bent his legs, then raised his shoulders and lowered his head.

     Since it was a dream, Famar couldn't feel the water as it crashed around him. He heard the sound, and felt the thrill, but he felt completely dry, albeit cold, despite being completely submerged in the water. Famar put little thought into this. Instead he opened his eyes, and watched the world of the ocean around him. Despite being so close to shore, he was somehow floating over a drop off, beside a lush coral reef. Famar gasped, somehow able to breath whilst underneath the surface. Bubbles erupted from his throat when he did. This caused him to grin and clap his hands in excitement. When he did, Famar felt the water pressure against his hands. He moved around in the water, experimenting with the way the pressure felt against his skin. It felt like something was wrapped around him, pulling him somewhere.

     A dolphin that lived within the reef swam towards Famar. He chuckled and covered his mouth as the dolphin swam around him, then nudged him gently. "Famar." The dolphin had whispered. This made Famar pause, and he blinked in shock. Famar turned towards the dolphin, only to watch as it nudged him once more before swimming away.
     "Hey, wait!" Famar yelled. He kicked his legs and swam after it. The dolphin continued to call and shout at him. Famar tried to make out the words, but he couldn't. All he could make out was his name, a soft voice, and a playful tone.
     "Famar!" It called again. He could recognize various voices. Though couldn't quite pin point why he recognized them. When the dolphin swam into a cave, he heard its whistles echo off the walls.

     "Famar" they mused. Their voice sounded far more deep and menacing than before. Famar watched, his eyes shifting from curious to sceptical. The voice echoing from the walls was different... but he still recognized it. "Famar... Poor naive Famar. Did you really think you could escape me?" The dolphin taunted.
     Famar quickly began to swim away, but the cave collapsed and blocked his path. He turned back towards the dolphin, and his eyes widened in horror. The dolphin shifted and twitched. The dolphin's bones cracked, and gills formed in its skin. The dolphin's body grew larger, as did its jaw. The dolphin's teeth showed more, and several scars appeared over its body. The 'dolphin's' beady black eyes watched Famar with an ice cold stare. It moved side to side, and tried to get a good look at him.

     "You should have stayed a dolphin." Famar muttered. He crossed his arms and glared at what was now a shark. "They are far more malicious than sharks." He informed the intruder of his dreams.
     "I suppose you're right there..." The voice of Famar's father agreed. "However, a shark is still more intimidating. Don't you think?" Alucard teased. Famar rolled his eyes at his father's explanation, then scanned his surroundings. Perhaps if he looked for long enough, he could find an exit and get the heck outta here.

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