Chapter 12: The Three Stooges

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     While Dakasi went with Kantori and Lillian to discuss things with Rosalind, and the twins unpacked luggage from the carts, Sarah, Robby, and Famar began guiding the horses to a nearby stable.
     "Let's see... It's three gold a night per horse... So three times six is eighteen... We'll be here for two or three nights? Maybe four... I'll just get three nights for now, and rent more later if we need it." Sarah muttered to herself. "So eighteen times three... Eight times three is... uh... Twenty one? Let's see... Eight times two is sixteen, and sixteen plus eight is twenty four. So twenty four, carry the two. Three times one is three, plus two is five, so... Fifty four gold..." Sarah continued.

     Sarah pulled out a small pouch from her bag and started looking through it. She let out a heavy sigh, which caused Famar to tilt his head in concern. "What's wrong?" He asked. He put a hand up to stop the horses he was guiding, and Robby did the same to his so they could all discuss the matter at hand. Sarah frowned, her ears twitching as she put the pouch away.
     "I don't think I'll have enough. I'll have to only rent the stable for two nights, and find a way to get the rest of the money tomorrow." Sarah explained. "I could probably sell one of the houses and only keep the five... The passenger cart can travel with only one horse pulling it, it will just be slower." She decided.

     "Or," Famar began. He folded his hands together, and wore a grin as his eyes lit up with an idea. "I could do some performing  tomorrow to earn the money. Not to brag, but; I'm pretty skilled with an instrument, especially strings."
     "Really?" Sarah asked excitedly. "Could you play something for us?" She requested.
     "Yeah, Mars. Let's see what you can do." Robby agreed.
     Famar's grin somehow spread wider at the request. He grabbed a lute that was strapped to his back, and began to play it as they walked. The tune was upbeat and cheerful, and Famar sang poetic lyrics about the adventures of an ancient hero. The three continued to make their way through town. Sarah's curls bounced as she swayed her head side to side. Robby's shoulders moved up and down along to the beat, and the two both chuckled as Famar did various spins and leaps down the path.

     "I could also do some odd jobs around the Village. There's always something to be done." Robby offered.
     Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds like a smart idea. If we can't get enough, I could always volunteer at the stable. That could make up for the rest of it." She decided. "Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help." She then cheered.
     "The pleasure is mine, m'lady." Famar replied with a playful bow.
     "Oh? Do we perhaps have a gentleman on our hands?" Sarah questioned.
     "Why of course. I am a Prince after all." Famar boasted, returning his instrument to its strap.
     Robby chuckled, and looked Famar up and down with a charming smile. "Handsome, talented, and charming. Hmm... You fit the reputation of a prince more than you let on, eh Mars?" He teased.

     Famar blushed slightly, and loud, nervous, shaking laughter escaped his lips. "You're far too flattering." His voice cracked slightly. "I am but a fool, really. However I appreciate the compliment." He then dismissed.
     "Whatever you say hot shot." Robby mused.
     Famar cleared his throat, and felt relieved when he saw the stable. "There it is! Two nights would be... forty six gold, right? Can you afford that?" He asked to change the subject. He wasn't too good at math, but tried to do it in his head.
     "Thirty six, and yes... I have thirty eight gold and twenty seven on me right now." Sarah told them.

     "Shouldn't we all be paying the stable rent?" Famar pointed out.
     "I'm in charge of the animals. I have to handle the cost using the funds I receive." Sarah explained.
     "I might talk to Kantori about that another time." Robby noted. "Since we have more people in our group than we used to, we're going to have to get a better source of income..."
     "Yeah..." Sarah agreed. "I wish the world didn't have to work on a currency. I'd much prefer bartering over worrying over pieces of metal and paper and the concept of dept." She complained.
     "I mean, if we succeed in overthrowing the King, maybe that can be one of the changes we can work out." Famar suggested.

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