Chapter 10: The Village

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"Are you sure that's a wise decision?" Dakasi asked, her tone nervous and ears tilted backwards. Kantori and Robby were explaining their destination to her and Famar. The plan was to go to the village under the protection of Datrix's army. There they would plan a strategy for their next missions, and the ideal location for their base.
"That's our usual pattern. It's the safest place we can go, we just can't use it as a mission base because of the risk." Kantori explained with a shrug. "Why?" She then asked, tilting her head at Dakasi's concern.
"The King can just have Salebelle track me again." Dakasi explained, causing Kantori to chuckle.

"I'm not too worried about that. Salebelle's my Aunt. Sure, she chose to stay loyal to the King despite... well, everything. However, she's the reason we have this village in the first place. She warned my mother and sent my father to a hidden location. As cowardly and obsessed with power as she is, Salebelle still cares about her family... Point is; If Salebelle tries to find you and sees you're at the village, she'll give the King a false location. She'll probably try to convince you to meet the King's guards there. As long as we move to a new location before the King starts to suspect Salebelle of lying to him, the village shouldn't be at risk." Kantori assured Dakasi. This only caused the former Princess to frown.

"The core issue remains the same. If I'm here, your group has to keep switching locations." Dakasi muttered.
"Don't you have protection spells that can keep her from finding you or something?" Robby reasoned.
Dakasi shook her head. "Even if I performed a ritual every knight before sleeping... Salebelle was the one who trained me. She's far more powerful and experienced than I am." Dakasi explained.

"Then the solution is simple." Kantori decided. "We'll just take you to the person that trained Salebelle. Or, at least, other sorcerers that have been trained by the same mentor... I imagine Salebelle's teacher is either dead or far too old to be of much help by now. Whatever the case, we should be able to ask my mother where the temple Salebelle trained at is located. Then we can get charms to protect you both from being tracked by magic, since they might also track Famar." Kantori reasoned.
"That does sound like a good plan... Assuming said temple hasn't also joined the Empire." Dakasi agreed.
"We'll have to ask my father about that one." Robby informed her.

Kantori nodded in agreement. "Sir. Datrix has been keeping track of what locations have been turned to the side of the Empire. We use his chart when planning the location of our next headquarters, when deciding if another base needs to be moved, and when planning routes for messengers between bases." She continued.
     "You really should be careful how much information you give me..." Dakasi murmured, looking down towards her feet. "My father can communicate with me through dreams... He can use his powers to take the information from me by force."
     "So wear a blindfold when you sleep." Robby suggested.

     Dakasi blinked, and looked at Robby as if he suggested poking a bear with a stick. "Are you insane!?!" She demanded. "That would be a direct statement of defiance towards the King." She reminded him. She hugged her shoulders and shivered as her ears leaned back against her skull at the thought.
     "I mean, doesn't travelling with us count as an act of defiance?" Robby pointed out.
     "Well- I mean... Yes, it does, but... He doesn't know that." Dakasi murmured.

     "We know, we know. You're scared of your father." Kantori dismissed with a mischievous smile.
     "I'm not scared of my father!" Dakasi snapped, glaring at the laughing half elf.
     "Hmm... Really? So then, if he asks you to do something you don't want to do, you have absolutely no problem saying no to him. Right?" Kantori reasoned, wearing a smug smile as she rested her chin on her hand.
     "I- no, but... I'm not... It's not because..." Dakasi stuttered.
     "Go on?" Kantori prompted.

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