Chapter 9: Decisions and Departure

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     "Dakasi..." The whisper called within her dream. Dakasi was standing in a blizzard, wearing a simple lavender gown. Dakasi shielded herself from the snow with her arms, but didn't feel the cold wind despite it roaring against her bare skin. "Dakasi..." The whispers of a distant voice repeated themselves.

     "Father?" Dakasi replied, trying to search through the blizzard to see him. As quickly as it came, the blizzard faded away. Dakasi stood in a throne room, one painfully familiar to her. She turned quickly, and her expression became unreadable.
     "There you are, my daughter." Alucard mused. He stepped forward, placing a hand on his daughter's shoulder. Dakasi tensed, but kept eye contact with her father. He'd force her to if she didn't.
     "Father." Dakasi repeated. Her tone was calm and cold as ice. She nodded respectfully before returning her gaze to his. "Is this simply a version of you created by my dream? Or is this you communicating using magic?" She questioned.

     "You are wise, my child." Alucard mused. "I requested Salebelle's services... She's retired but, due to our common goal of... Making sure you're okay, she agreed to perform the spell. We're communicating through our minds, and she is slowly working on finding the location of you and your brother." He then explained.
     "I see. Thank you, father." Dakasi said automatically.
     "Of course, my daughter. You will be retrieved and brought back to the castle within a few days. Worry not about that. Now, perhaps while I'm here, you could inform me of the situation? I do hope you're unharmed." He requested. Alucard wore a kind smile, though his eyes were void of any sort of joy. His eyes only glimmered with malice and satisfaction. His tone was cold, sinister, but he rested a hand over where his heart would be in order to convey sincerity.
     "The Resistance Members captured Famar and I after infiltrating the Masquerade Ball." Dakasi obliged.
     "Oh? Have you uncovered how they achieved such a feat?" Alucard questioned.
     "I haven't." Dakasi answered. An outright lie.

     "Are you sure?" Alucard mused, his red eyes beginning to glow. He moved his hand from his heart to Dakasi's chin, holding her head in place so eye contact was maintained. "I'd hate to think you'd lie to me... but I know how much you care for your brother. Callant has said each of the guards was thoroughly investigated before and after the ball, and supervised throughout it. The castle is after all constructed in a way that outsiders cannot enter without someone on the inside allowing it... So how, might I ask, did the resistance capture you and your brother? If there isn't an insider amongst the guards, then... The next suspect would be Famar, wouldn't it?" Alucard reasoned, his smile shifting into a smirk.

     "Famar..." Dakasi began, her mind falling into a glow of red, and a force to obey. "Famar sent invitations to... old friends of his amongst the resistance." Her voice droned out as she spoke. Her tone was soulless and head threatened to fall over due to all the energy in her mind attempting to fight off her father's power.
     "There... Was that so hard?" He asked before releasing her.
     Dakasi struggled to hold back tears. Any words she wished to say she swallowed down. Held them in her chest like a painful cough in a quiet theatre. "Please do not harm him." Dakasi pleaded in a voice weaker than intended.

     Alucard chuckled at the request. "Young lady... Surely you must know that Famar has broken too many straws to be spared." He taunted. "The only reason I've been keeping him alive this long is for the sake of your obedience. It'd be a shame to go through the hassle of acquiring a new heir... You would never betray me of course, would you? You have nowhere else to go. The resistance... hmm... They have you cuffed, and I can sense you're freezing. They don't care at all about you. No one outside the castle walls will. All you are is a spoiled princess with all the power in the Kingdom at her finger tips, yet she does nothing with it. Who would help you should you run off or be cast away? Who would save you should you be executed?"

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