Chapter 7: Visitors

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While everyone else in the base went to sleep, Famar stayed up to watch his sister. The night was cold, and the silence was colder. Famar wore two sweaters and a blanket wrapped around him. Despite her shivering inner her own blankets, Dakasi refused the warm clothing Famar had brought her. The clothes now sat folded beside him, in case Dakasi changed her mind.

"The stars are nice out here... You can see them clearly without the searchlights surrounding the castle." Famar informed his sister, hoping to spark a conversation between them. "What?" He asked when Dakasi only glared at him.
"I can't see the stars. Idiot." Dakasi snapped.
"Well who's fault is that?" Famar defended.
"Our captors?" Dakasi answered, her ears twitching at the question.
"Right, of course that's how you see it." Famar sighed.

"Oh please dear brother. Enlighten me on how I should see the people that have me chained to the ground."
"They only did this to keep you from attacking them." Famar reminded her.
"Do you really believe that I'm the threat in this situation?" Dakasi snapped.
"No." Famar answered firmly, before crossing his arms. "I think you're the victim... but you're seeing the wrong people as the villain. Your real captor is our father, Kas. I can't for the life of me understand your faith in him." Famar elaborated.
"Nor can I understand your trust in complete strangers." Dakasi muttered.
"They're not strangers. RJ and I were friends as children, and I helped him babysit Kantori on occasion. I wrote to them often after the Empire took over and they had to evacuate... Until they had to go into hiding, that is." Famar explained.
Silence settled between them once again after that. Unsure what to say, Dakasi stared at the wall of fabric beside her. Famar watched her helplessly, wracking his brain for a way to make her understand.

Then suddenly, there was a small tapping sound on the wooden beam holding up the tent.

Dakasi and Famar both jumped, and quickly looked towards the tent's entrance. Sarah stood there, wearing a small smile and large fur coat. She carried a basket of apples and some folded blankets in her arms. "Knock knock." She said, smiling at the two. Sarah entered the tent and sat down beside Famar. She handed him an apple, and handed Dakasi another bottle of the health drink Kantori gave her during sunset. "Miles asked me to deliver this." She explained.
"Sarah?" Famar asked, his ears perked up curiously. "Why are you here?" He questioned.
After Dakasi accepted the drink with a sour expression, Sarah giggled and settled the blankets on her lap. "Oh, figured I'd keep you company. With all the excitement we had during hunting this morning and training at evening, I don't think I'll be able to sleep a wink tonight." Sarah sighed as she placed the basket between them.

"Well, I'm glad to have your company." Famar replied, attempting a gentle smile. "This is my sister, Dakasi. She was the one unconscious when we escaped the castle." He then explained, gesturing to his sister.
"It's wonderful to meet you!" Sarah cheered.
     "Not for long." Dakasi muttered.
     "Hmm?" Sarah asked, tilting her head curiously.
     "Kas..." Famar said in a warning tone.
     "I'm just being honest." Dakasi huffed before struggling with the cuffs. "I'm not exactly pleasant company at the moment."

     "I don't mind." Sarah assured her. "I wouldn't expect you to be friendly at the moment. I know what it's like... to have all control stripped from you... I always try to make sure the animals I care for have enough freedom as possible because of that. I never want them to feel miserable or caged." Sarah continued.
     "Is that so? You know, I'd really appreciate it if you could let me out of these cuffs. Then we could be great friends. Unfortunately right now I'm feeling miserable and caged, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd free me." Dakasi persuaded.
     "Sorry, I can't." Sarah sighed with an apologetic smile. "The Boss says she'll let you go, but, needs to know you won't attack us or report us to the King the minute she does." Sarah then explained.

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