Chapter 11: The Home of Rosalind Daltar

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     "This is Dakasi. She's-" Kantori began before her mother walked past her. She blinked in confusion, and turned to look at her mother. Lillian did the same. "Mom?" Kantori asked, also growing tense.
     Rosalind got close to Dakasi, who felt all her muscles clench as nerves rushed through her.
     "Heh... uh... Awfully close... Your daughter must... Must have gotten her understanding of personal space from you, then?" Dakasi mused, trying to hide her anxiety through sarcasm. Kantori held back laughter, but Rosalind didn't react.

     "You're Sariah's daughter, aren't you?" Rosalind asked.
"Uh... Yeah. I didn't know her that well. She was usually really busy as Queen, and... She travelled a lot when I was a kid. Famar and her were really close and I have fond memories of her, but... uh... I was always closer to... my father?" Dakasi rambled. Not only did she fail to hide her nerves. She failed to hide her uncertainty, and terribly so at that.
"I see... She always had trouble getting close to people. Odd, isn't it? She was one of the kindest people I knew... Just, not the most friendly and certainly not the most social." Rosalind commented with a fond smile. She placed a hand on Dakasi's cheek, and Dakasi carefully pushed it away. "I'm sorry dear. I'm making you uncomfortable. Aren't I?" Rosalind apologized.

Dakasi watched in confusion as Rosalind backed away. She looked towards Kantori, who now wore an amused smile and crossed arms. Kantori only shrugged when she noticed Dakasi's gaze.
"You look so much like her." Rosalind sighed. "I mean... You're paler, your hair is lighter, your eyes are a different colour... But your features are the same as hers. Famar was the other way around, wasn't he? He had his father's features but the colours of his mother... Though I don't suppose you have the colour scheme of your father, oh, but neither does he I suppose... Is Famar here as well? I'd love to see him again. Assuming... Your father hasn't twisted either of you, but... Surely one of you would be wearing restraints if you weren't to be trusted. Dear, look at me rambling, I've been awfully rude haven't I? Please, come downstairs. I'll close up the shop and make us all some dinner. How many of you are staying here? I'll have to prepare beds... Datrix would be willing to let you stay with him as well I'm sure." Rosalind rambled on and on.

Dakasi struggled to answer any questions. She opened her mouth to attempt, but she could hardly state the first word of her statement before her voice got drowned out with a new one. Kantori laughed and followed her mother down the stairs. Lillian followed, and copied their footsteps. Dakasi watched them walk down the stairs. Her ears twitched and lips frowned. Ever since she was taken from the castle... Everything seemed to turn upside down. Was everything she knew wrong?

     Dakasi was beginning to feel feint from the anxiety and heavy use of magic. Seeing that the sun had now set, Dakasi dispelled the energy she covered her skin with in order to protect herself from the sun. She'd have to be careful, and make sure she didn't stress herself out too much. Otherwise she may pass out.

After she took a deep breath, Dakasi walked down the stairs as well. She listened to Rosalind ramble on as the bright eyed woman opened the door to her home. Warm light flooded into the dim atmosphere of the outdoor dusk. It was like a doorway to heaven, the opening of a valuable suitcase. Dakasi imagined there'd be polished floors and marble pillars inside the house.

When they entered, however, Dakasi stepped onto rickety floorboards covered by a home made rug. The living room was the first room one saw when entering the first story. It had stone walls with each stone painted a different colour, comfortable furniture that must have been used and passed down over generations, and clutter everywhere the eye could see. The smell of something burning filled the air, and Rosalind swore under her breath when she smelled it.

"Darn that oven! It should magically remind me when I put something in it-I swear." Rosalind huffed. "Make yourselves at home! I have to rescue my kitchen." Rosalind then told her daughter, granddaughter, and... Dakasi.
Once again, Dakasi couldn't help but smile as Rosalind ran off. She wasn't sure why, but...
She felt like she might break into tears.

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