Chapter 3: Memories and Preperation

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     Dakasi rubbed her chin with one hand, while the other held her elbow up. She sighed and lowered her arm, keeping both arms folded in front of her chest. "They're all so beautiful." She stated, scanning the three dresses in front of her. "How could I choose?" Dakasi asked, her ears leaning backwards.

     "No need to be nervous, Princess. You still have a few hours before the ball begins." A human servant assured her.
     "I'm not nervous." Dakasi defended. Her ears moved upwards, becoming as stiff as her shoulders. The servant giggled, and Dakasi turned on her heels. A glare from the Princess silenced the servant.
     "Of course not, your highness." The servant murmured. They lowered their head, and folded their hands in front of them.
     Dakasi rolled her eyes. Then she turned back to the three gowns before her.

     One dress had a satin top, with long sleeves and a low neckline. It was a maroon coloured dress, with a see through material covering the stomach area. A long skirt matching the top covered the waist and legs, though had a slit in its side up to the mid-thigh. The dress came with a black mask traced in violet lace and red dress. Attached to the mask was a single red feather, large, curled, and fluffy. It was a sleek and elegant look, though the see through material didn't look very comfortable.

     The second was a sleeveless gown with a black belt and layered skirt. It was the kind of dress made to take up space, and draw the attention of the entire room. The bottom of the dress was made with a crinoline, layers of filler material, and top layers of silk. The top had a black corset under the belt. Dakasi knew from experience that the corset would be done up tightly, though she actually found corsets quite comfortable. The dress had a top made with a stiff material so it would keep her breast covered despite the lack of sleeves or straps. The top was a slightly darker colour than the bright coloured skirt. Dakasi assumed this was for the purpose of drawing attention away from the chest. The gown was decorated in silver pearls and grey embroidery, and came with a matching purple mask decorated in a similar fashion.

     The third dress seemed the most comfortable. It was a black dress, with a long sleeve on one side and no sleeves on the other. The dress was tightly fitting for the chest and waist but loose around the legs. It was a dress where movement mattered. If one lifted their arms, moved their legs, or turned themselves correctly, the wearer of this dress would come off as incredibly elegant. The matching mask was simple, a black one with an accent of violet gems beside the right eyehole.

     "If it helps your decision, your highness..." The servant beside Dakasi began. "Sir. Vincent Joans is wearing a blue suit with a black vest and a black mask decorated with sapphires." They continued.
     "It doesn't help my decision, but... Thank you for the information." Dakasi replied. It would now be easier to avoid her 'fiancé' for the night. While Dakasi understood that a true romance was quite impossible for her, she didn't see the harm in experiencing a sampler of romance. Just for one twilight... She certainly wouldn't receive it by Vincent's side.

     "What alias are you going by?" The servant asked.
     "If I told you, that'd ruin the point of one." Dakasi pointed out.
     "But... I am not attending the ball." The servant replied.
     "No, but you don't seem to have an issue with spreading information to those that are." Dakasi muttered. "Regardless, it matters little. I've made my decision." She sighed, stepping towards the dresses. She ran her hands along the silk material of the second dress. "I'll be wearing this gown tonight." Dakasi decided before stepping back.
     "A wonderful choice. We'll have you fitted into it by eleven pm." The servant assured her.

     Dakasi nodded, and stepped out of the tailor's workroom. She took a deep breath as she stepped into the hall. Her ears leaned back again, further than before. She rubbed her crossed arms, as if cold, and looked over the hall with an anxious gaze.
     "You alright?" A voice asked from beside her. Dakasi jumped, and nearly fell onto the floor. Fortunately, she was quick enough to catch her footing. However, her breath escaped her, and it took a minute or two to retrieve it. Meanwhile, the man that spooked her began to bellow with laughter, and Dakasi glared venomously at her.
     "I was fine, before you came along." Dakasi spat at her brother. His curls of light brown hair shook with the rest of him. He clutched his stomach as he laughed, and Dakasi growled in frustration. Famar looked towards her with joy shining in his brown eyes. Dakasi glared back with venom in her violet ones.

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